Forum Software => Coding Snacks => Finished Programs => Topic started by: wreckedcarzz on April 08, 2009, 08:36 PM

Title: DONE: Sort files into folders based on type
Post by: wreckedcarzz on April 08, 2009, 08:36 PM
I did a little bit of searching and surprisingly didn't find anything to do this (except for music-related circumstances), so here goes...

I have a Downloads folder on my home server machine that is past 7GB and climbing (yes, I actually DO clean it out :P). I need a program that I can run that sorts the files into various folders based on their types (or file extensions, it doesn't matter one way or the other to me). It would need to be able to identify and place all of these file types into folders:

In addition, INI files that have an EXE counterpart with the same name should both be placed in a folder with that name (for coding snacks and whatnot).

Anyone able to take this?
Title: Re: DONE: Sort files into folders based on type
Post by: skwire on April 08, 2009, 09:09 PM
Skrommel's MoveOut ( might work for you.
Title: Re: DONE: Sort files into folders based on type
Post by: wreckedcarzz on April 08, 2009, 11:11 PM
Skrommel's MoveOut ( might work for you.

Not exactly, but pretty darn close. Had forgotten about that little app :-[ Thanks
Title: Re: DONE: Sort files into folders based on type
Post by: lanux128 on April 08, 2009, 11:32 PM
maybe tchikien's Dekstop Teleporter ( and/or lifehacker's Belvedere ( may offer some options.

Note: Dekstop Teleporter link is down atm.. :-\

Title: Re: DONE: Sort files into folders based on type
Post by: PhilB66 on April 08, 2009, 11:44 PM
Note: Dekstop Teleporter link is down atm.. :-\

A mirror download link @
Title: Re: DONE: Sort files into folders based on type
Post by: wr975 on April 09, 2009, 09:24 AM
Reading your request I thought, I could use this application myself. Being a bit bored at work, I gave it a try.

>un that sorts the files into various folders based on their types
>It would need to be able to identify and place all of these file types into folders:

>Folders (thereby making a folder of folders
Done (but I'm not sure if that's what you want)

>preferably in a (user stupid) editable format
I tried (see the ini file)

>INI files that have an EXE counterpart
Done (good idea, btw)

Please test it with few files until you trust it enough to let it on your 7 GB file archive.

See attachment for compiled Authotkey script + source code.

Edit: Here's a screen video:

Edit: Updated attachment (rev2) (found a tiny bug which didn't affect my work pc, but home pc... strange)

Edit: Updated attachment (rev3). Just noticed it moved existing folders in existing folders...  :-[ blame it on AHK's documentation or me, for not testing it.  :-\

Edit: Updated (rev4). Feature request.
Title: Re: DONE: Sort files into folders based on type
Post by: wreckedcarzz on April 09, 2009, 07:00 PM
Awesome! I'm downloading it now and will give it a go over the next couple days as I continue downloading and see how it fairs. :)
Title: Re: DONE: Sort files into folders based on type
Post by: wr975 on April 10, 2009, 03:09 AM
I hope it works for you. ;) Please be sure to use the new version I just uploaded.
Title: Re: DONE: Sort files into folders based on type
Post by: wraith808 on April 10, 2009, 09:45 AM
Robobasket.  I purchased it on BDJ for 9.95.  I haven't really used it yet, but maybe it will help you.  Normal price is 19.95.
Title: Re: DONE: Sort files into folders based on type
Post by: wreckedcarzz on April 10, 2009, 06:38 PM
I hope it works for you. ;) Please be sure to use the new version I just uploaded.

Ah, I have yet to try it out, but am updating now :)

Robobasket.  I purchased it on BDJ for 9.95.  I haven't really used it yet, but maybe it will help you.  Normal price is 19.95.

I'll check that out now :Thmbsup:

EDIT: @wr975 Good looking app, testing it now, but why is direct input disabled for the two textboxes to specify the folders? :'( I changed the option myself (glad I know AHK) but it is worth mentioning that Windows takes FOREVER to open the Network computer list, so allowing direct input would be something I would allow by default.

EDIT 2: After some failed testing, I disabled the Folders sub and it works great now (I guess it was trying to move the folders that MoveOut already had for me (exclude list might help?), so 6.5GB or so of processing isn't AHK's forte). One request: when it moves the EXE+other extension files to Apps, can it make a folder inside of
Apps with the same name of the programs so that it doesn't become a mish-mash of Program/INI/Program/INI/Program/ICO... etc?


Downloads folder before any action:

Current setup:

Theoretic setup:

I would try it myself, but I haven't worked with AHK for anything beyond basic scripts for a couple of years now :-\
Title: Re: DONE: Sort files into folders based on type
Post by: wr975 on April 11, 2009, 10:16 AM

the input boxes are disabled, because I'm just lazy. Entering paths by hand would mean, I've to check if it's accessable, writeable, and so on...   ;) But what about this: Now you can drag&drop files or folders on the Inputboxes. Cool?  8)

Shame the folders did not work. I don't know what you mean with MoveOut. Never used this program.

The EXE+other extensions is now doing this (rev4):
If there's only one file (filename.exe) it'll be moved to "Apps"
If there're more files (filename.exe + filename.other_extensions)  they'll be moved to "Apps\filename".


Title: Re: DONE: Sort files into folders based on type
Post by: wreckedcarzz on April 11, 2009, 06:50 PM
Drag and drop works - didn't think of that! :)

Basically on the folder thing: no fault of the program. I had made a set of folders to have MoveOut organize them to see how that worked, but then I switched to ILikeToMoveIt and what it was trying to (correctly) do, was move all those folders into the _folders directory.

Downloading now :Thmbsup:
Title: Re: DONE: Sort files into folders based on type
Post by: PhilB66 on April 12, 2009, 09:48 AM wrote about ILikeToMoveIt. Read Sort Files Folders Automatically (
Title: Re: DONE: Sort files into folders based on type
Post by: mrmandala on May 25, 2009, 12:13 PM
Reading your request I thought, I could use this application myself. Being a bit bored at work, I gave it a try.

Nice implementation, thanks.

Title: Re: DONE: Sort files into folders based on type
Post by: wreckedcarzz on May 25, 2009, 02:28 PM
Glad someone else got some use out of it as well, I thought it would be too specific. wr975 really did a great job with it- I have modified it slightly to run automatically and let Task Manager run it at midnight every day, and it works EXACTLY how I needed :) :Thmbsup:

EDIT: And ILikeToMoveIt is managing 13.6GB of data for me (and counting) - still running blazing fast every time :up:
Title: Re: DONE: Sort files into folders based on type
Post by: pyrohacker on January 04, 2010, 08:37 PM
Huh.  I'm working on a similar app called SubDiv (  I started before I knew about this app, and I wanted to do a folder sorting app my way.   :-[

I hope nobody minds if I incorporate some of these ideas.
Title: Re: DONE: Sort files into folders based on type
Post by: wr975 on January 05, 2010, 02:48 AM
No problem. It'd be nice to see this (with even more features) in a proper GUI. The AHK source is included.
Title: Re: DONE: Sort files into folders based on type
Post by: chashnniel on January 26, 2019, 06:44 AM
tested on windows 10 1809 and works fine :Thmbsup: