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Turn off the screen in my laptop

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I think my problem is not new.
Even I have bought thinking was because of the mouse, but my problem continues.
I have configured the energy options to turn off the screen after 30 minutes, but don't do.
So I am thinking may be a program ....
How can I depure this problem ?
Best Regards
 :-* :P
Turn off the screen in my laptop

Please take a look at Don't Sleep, a small program that can help either prevent or kick off "sleeping" of the monitor or pc. I have used it to prevent the screen sleep when I'm working on multiple boxes and I need to switch around, but also I have used it to make my wife's monitor go to sleep after 10 minutes which, for some reason, it would never do.

Turn on two menu options (Start Minimized and Start With Windows), then use its two tabs (Please Don't Sleep and Please Sleep) to set up the behavior you want by turning the tab options on or off. On my wife's pc I set it to turn off the monitor if no keyboard or mouse events in 10 minutes, but there are several options for what you want.

This doesn't have any effect on your power options, it just makes your PC do what you want.  :D

Please take a look at Don't Sleep, a small program that can help either prevent or kick off "sleeping" of the monitor or pc. I have used it to prevent the screen sleep when I'm working on multiple boxes and I need to switch around, but also I have used it to make my wife's monitor go to sleep after 10 minutes which, for some reason, it would never do.

Turn on two menu options (Start Minimized and Start With Windows), then use its two tabs (Please Don't Sleep and Please Sleep) to set up the behavior you want by turning the tab options on or off. On my wife's pc I set it to turn off the monitor if no keyboard or mouse events in 10 minutes, but there are several options for what you want.

This doesn't have any effect on your power options, it just makes your PC do what you want.  :D
-x16wda (January 10, 2023, 06:03 PM)
--- End quote ---
I'll take now a look because yesterday I bought a new mouse but the problem continues.
I will comment
 :-* :P

I would like get the display off in 30 minutes. The rest the same.
 :-* :P

I think this should do that:

Turn off the screen in my laptop


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