Forum Software => Mouser's Zone => Clipboard Help+Spell => Topic started by: philosopherdog on October 04, 2008, 07:55 AM

Title: copying and pasting web pages with images... does it copy the image or url?
Post by: philosopherdog on October 04, 2008, 07:55 AM
I'm wondering if when I clip from a web page does S+H copy the actual images to the clipboard database it uses or is it just grabbing a url that then displays the image either from the web or my cache file? Cheers,
Title: Re: copying and pasting web pages with images... does it copy the image or url?
Post by: tomos on October 05, 2008, 11:47 AM
I'm wondering if when I clip from a web page does S+H copy the actual images to the clipboard database it uses or is it just grabbing a url that then displays the image either from the web or my cache file?
-philosopherdog (October 04, 2008, 07:55 AM)

well if you copy stuff from a web page and paste it you will get all the images all right  - but that's the clipboard -
really CH&S does neither -
if you copy stuff from web page, then copy sometheng else, the images and formatting will be gone if you try paste the webpage stuff
It doesnt save the url either

Of course I may be completely wrong but I dont think so :) hopefully somebody more expert than me can confirm this

Far as I know images are on the "roadmap" but not implemented yet ...
Title: Re: copying and pasting web pages with images... does it copy the image or url?
Post by: mouser on October 05, 2008, 01:55 PM
tomos has it right.

CHS stores only plaintext (optional copying of images is planned but many people like that CHS only works with plaintext).

So if you copy and paste one thing, nothing changes -- images and formatted richtext still copy fine since you aren't using CHS for a single copy and paste.

But when you want to retrieve something copied earlier, only plaintext is stored.