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Requests / Suggestions thread

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In one of my project I have thousand of object with image dynamicaly builded by AI and to speed up the system when I restart the program I save the object on file with an ObjectStream like a memory dump so when the program load the object there are all the resource, image resized, status ecc and I have a speed up of 1000%. It's possible to store item in a core folder with c#?-Rigel (March 17, 2010, 04:11 PM)
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It is possible, yes, but it would serve no useful purpose as Circle Dock is not a homogeneous application but rather a collection of separate windows. Such a schema is likely to slow-down Circle Dock.
Instead of config file there can be a main folder with the main object stored and a real folder tree for the CD folder so I can save and export items in other CD moving/copying only the file. It's possible?

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I have no plan to change the way Circle Dock stores its data which is very efficient due to the internal layout of the configuration files. However, if I were to make such changes, it would almost certainly involve the use of an object-oriented database engine.

Whilst I welcome all suggestions, please understand that I will only consider those suggestions that enhance the product for the benefit of all users!

For your guidance, I haven't yet decided how on the level of access to internal structures and routines I will permit Docklets to have. It is more than likely that there will be none at all, for data integrity and stability reasons. Docklets will certainly not have the ability to modify any general or item-specific settings. In my view the purpose of a Docklet is to provide a service that is outside the program's remit - such as a battery meter - and in that respect will be more akin to the Gadgets available for Google Desktop and Windows' Sidebar.


With 0.98 I used to have several instances of CD and even nested arrangements. How can I have them with 1.x.x? Could this be implemented? thanks

You can have multiple instances but each instance must be executed from its own folder: you therefore have to duplicate the entire Circle Dock folder tree for each instance you wish to have. This is for data security and to comply with the increased security introduced with Vista and beefed-up with Windows 7.

This is all explained in the help system.


do someone seen before the game's logo chosen circle in BLACK and WHITE 1 by Lionhead Studios? The smooth grow effect from center of the circle is unforgettable.

do someone seen before the game's logo chosen circle in BLACK and WHITE 1 by Lionhead Studios? The smooth grow effect from center of the circle is unforgettable.
-cyysky (March 31, 2010, 12:09 PM)
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Greetings cyysky
Welcome to and Circle Docks little part of it all  8)

I actually am not sure.....Is it possible that you could track down a youtube or other video recording that we can view???
It sounds incredible interesting  :tellme:


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