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Scrapbook ( is my #1 must have addon for Firefox - its where I save anything interesting I come across, and categorize all my research. It serves as an offline browser, website downloader, quick bookmarking, archiving web pages etc. But there are 2 features I wish it had -

- detecting duplicates - if I'm saving a url which I already have
- export/import from other programs like OneNote

I was unable to find an official forum for Scrapbook. Let me know if anyone knows of a better place to ask, or how to implement these.

General Software Discussion / Re: Let go of your bookmarks!
« on: June 20, 2008, 04:38 PM »
I find for the sort of things I often bookmark, Google isn't all that useful.

First of all, to Google something I've got to remember what it is first. There's no reminder functionality which bookmarks provide.

Second, try googling "windows xp tips". You get thousands of hits. Which one is that particular tips site I saw a few months ago that had that list of obscure RUNDLL32 functions? Bookmarks to the rescue!

I know what you mean, but I couldn't help trying out your example.

The google query -
5th result on page - :)

Don't know if that page has the kind of info you're looking for, but google knows all!

My university professor used to say - "Computing tends to reinvent itself every 20-25 years" and its very true. The evolution of
desktop apps to rich/smart client, SaaS, Web 3.0 etc is all just today's version of terminals connected to mainframes.

I firmly believe in it. Global connectivity IS the future.

"No man is an island" is true in the tech world as well.

The human race has to solve the problems of resource disparity and the gaps in wealth distribution, and make technology accessible to everyone. That's a much harder problem to solve than the technology itself, which is almost here today. The entire world should be living in an always on, always connected metaverse (

General Software Discussion / Re: Firefox 3 Released
« on: June 18, 2008, 10:16 PM »
So why does every Firefox release cycle have to go through this mess with incompatible extensions? IE and Opera addons don't suffer this fate. There are 2 things going on as far as I can tell -

1. the internal Mozilla api's are updated quite often, and are not backwards compatible. So extension author's have to update.
2. FF will check the version number.

That's why you can sometimes trick Ff by updating the version, or disabling the check, but if #1 is in effect that doesn't work.

Both of these are bad design practices. Extensions should never have to keep updating, especially between minor revs, like on each beta and rc. This is where the open source mentality hurts FF - there's little effort on the part of Mozilla to make sure extensions work, since anyone can go fix them if they want to. At least that's what I feel.

General Software Discussion / Re: Firefox 3 Released
« on: June 18, 2008, 04:17 PM »
I am very happy with this release. I love the AwesomeBar and there are little touches everywhere which I like.
I also installed the Nasa Night Launch theme ( which is just fabulous. All my extensions also work. I've uninstalled FF2 at work and home and this is the true test of whether FF3 is good enough to use.

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