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Living Room / Re: Old Hard Drives
« on: March 25, 2012, 09:39 PM »
Boat anchor? lol, jk. I like the idea of ripping them apart and playing with the magnets. I might have to do that to my old dead drives.

Adblock Plus (beta) - I hate ads
Fullscreen address bar - I wish chrome was more like FF in fullscreen
Hover Zoom - I look at devart profiles almost everyday, and this makes it so I don't have to open each image separatly.
Live CSS Editor - For when people think white text on a black background is a good idea.
RSS Subscription Extension (by Google) - because chrome doesn't support rss by default (wtf?!)
View Image Info (properties) - because chrome doesn't have a view image info by default (again wtf?!)
WOT - because I hate evil websites.
StumbleUpon - For when I am bored and have nothing else to do.

I ran web platform installer and told it to install php. I'm going to see if I can figure out what perms php has, and see if that fixes it.

I'm running a website on a windows server 2008 R2 box. I have wordpress installed on it, and if I upload an image, the uploaded image gets the required permissions (iusr and iis_iusrs both have permission to touch it.)
I am experimenting with a CMS that doesn't use a database (testing gpeasy right now) So far everything seems to work great with it, but when I upload images via the CMS' built in image uploader, iis_iusrs isn't added to the list of users that can touch the image. This causes the image to not be viewable. Is there a way that I can fix this so that any files that are added by the CMS will auto allow both iusr and iis_iusrs to touch them?
It's really annoying having to remote into the server just to fix the permissions every time I want to upload an image, and I don't really want to stay with wordpress, because it runs too slow on iis (at least on my server it does).

well thats weird. my email digests never did that. I always thought youtube was broken. I guess it's just my account thats messed up.

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