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I'm trying to find a Firefox addon to do multiple searches in a single search engine (I have Chrome installed too, so that would probably be fine). I'm not sure what the UI would be but one way to do it would be to offer a text area to paste a list of your things you want to do a search on,  hit submit and you see several tabs open up, each representing search results for a line item.

So for example, you paste in or type in a list of actors, and you get an IMDB search for each actor.

General Software Discussion / Karaoke software recommendations?
« on: July 23, 2010, 12:20 PM »
Can anyone recommend any karaoke software? It doesn't have to be freeware necessarily, but fairly inexpensive. It would be good if it allows me to make recordings of my kids singing along the songs.

CD-G as a format is pretty funny, who would have thought burning text to a CD would require a special burner? So I have no use for it.

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions, pointers, or good examples of best practices for organizing a help file. My Google fu fails me...

EDIT: Did find this from searching delicious:

This is starting to drive me nuts, I noticed this in the Windows 7 RC, and it still happens in Windows 7 OEM version for me (different motherboard IIRC), I am curious as to whether it happens to anyone else. When I return to my PC after leaving it idle, I go to it, press Ctrl-Alt-Del, type in my password and get in. This works about half the time. The other half, I find myself picking up the mouse after entering Ctrl-Alt-Del because the Password field is not selected, selecting the field with the mouse and then putting it in. I know I can Tab but why should I have to. Could this be a software/driver conflict?

Find And Run Robot / Break/Pause 1, Break/Pause 2, Break/Pause 3
« on: June 29, 2010, 09:32 PM »
Why are there 3 different versions of Pause/Break in the hotkey dropdown? Are they for different types of keyboards?

Screenshot - 6_29_2010 , 10_32_12 PM.png

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