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Deluxe/Pro versions: Good or Bad?

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subscription based pricing is evil, except in the rare case where the very nature of the software makes it require constant content.
(ie i think you might be able to make a case for antivirus programs being subscription based, since the program cannot stand still and must be adding antivirus patterns every day).

I agree. I went bat-crap crazy when Nick Bradbury sold FeedDemon (and TopStyle) to NewsGator and NewsGator promptly said "Pay up, suckers, and keep paying every year." I had purchased both and felt my investment (both purchase costs and time learning and supporting/feedback his beta software for years) was just flushed down the toilet. NewsGator has not one, but several subscription plans. I kept asking — and never got an answer — Why the hell would I PAY for something (an RSS feed) that is free everywhere? That's like paying for NewsGator's special brand of air, or less so, for bottled water.

I never received an answer from either Nick or the head honcho of NewsGator after writing each personally, but have since ditched both apps. I will never, ever, support a subscription-based model for software. I'll buy a BIC pen and write on scratch paper first.

I'll buy a BIC pen and write on scratch paper first.

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was that a jab?


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