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Firefox 7 is out

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from Stephen's "cupcakes" link above:

Under the rapid-release program, new versions of the browser ship every six weeks, which means the change in features from the earlier version is correspondingly smaller.
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Apparently version #8 is due on the 18th of November

Well, to be fair I don't think a lot of user-visible changes have happened in the past couple of Chrome releases.

It's just that Chrome silently updates in the background without bothering you with it, whereas Firefox is still using the "OMG there is an update" dialogs and the "What's New" page showing nothing new after the update :-[.

And the automatic updating in the background is really great, especially when it comes to flash player. I am so sick of updating flash player manually for IE and FF.

Carol Haynes:
It's just that Chrome silently updates in the background without bothering you with it
-Jibz (September 28, 2011, 03:57 AM)
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That's true but the reason FF has to go through the hoops is because they regularly kill extensions by these updates.

The current rash of sill version number bumps has done nothing to help users at all and the new full version numbers just are not justified.

Think back to the differences between FF 1, 2 and 3 ... they were so different that extensions had to be rewritten between versions.

Now all you do is either turn off compatibility checking or hack the extension to make it appear compatible.

I am amazed someone hasn't come out with an extension to fix stupidly broken extensions!

Actually they have - see Add-on Compatibility Reporter

Well...I know I'll sleep a lot better nights knowing that Mozilla is committed to churning out dodgy code even more rapidly and regularly than before.  :)

Stoic Joker:
Well...I know I'll sleep a lot better nights knowing that Mozilla is committed to churning out dodgy code even more rapidly and regularly than before.  :)-40hz (September 28, 2011, 07:05 AM)
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I had been toying with exploring it as a option, just to give it a fair shake so-to-speak. But this and the memory leak (or was it a hemorage...) thing just kinda kill the curiosity. I've never had a problem with IE...and incentive==0 at this point.


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