
Main Area and Open Discussion => General Software Discussion => Topic started by: m_s on January 10, 2006, 07:43 AM

Title: Klipfolio 3b
Post by: m_s on January 10, 2006, 07:43 AM
I know Cliff reviewed this one a while back (, but there's now a new beta of Klipfolio 3 available:

I've been playing with it this morning, and so far it's really great.  As well as being very nice to look at, it's easily configurable and extremely lightweight.  In fact, I think this is going to be my new default RSS reader!
Title: Re: Klipfolio 3b
Post by: f0dder on January 31, 2006, 05:02 PM
Holy fork!

Klipfolio looks pretty nice, but it takes up 204meg virtual size and 60meg private bytes - that's WAY too much for a program of this kind. Especially the private bytes usage is insane :-O
Title: Re: Klipfolio 3b
Post by: m_s on February 01, 2006, 03:57 AM
That's interesting: it's running much lighter for me - 17mb private bytes, and 99mb virtual size (what does this mean?)
Title: Re: Klipfolio 3b
Post by: f0dder on February 01, 2006, 04:56 AM
The Virtual Size is kinda how much memory the application has "reserved", and isn't necessarily a bad sign unless it's extremely high (each application has a max of ~2gb on a normal system). It doesn't mean that all this memory has been *allocated* for the application, though. Iirc it also counts memory shared with other processes (like DLL files).

Private Bytes, on the other hand, is the real deal. This is memory allocated by the program, not shared with other running applications. 60 megabytes of real allocation is a LOT for an application like this...
Title: Re: Klipfolio 3b
Post by: m_s on February 01, 2006, 06:19 AM
Thanks for explaining that!

I should say that I've actually more or less stopped running Klipfolio, even though it's really neat.  I've moved over to using a combination of the Sage RSS reader and Scrapbook extensions in Firefox, which I find to be brilliant.  I've also dumped Evernote now, because a combination of Scrapbook and Stickies 5.2a does everything that it does, but runs lighter and is much better looking. 

Sage + Scrapbook = Onfolio for my needs.  I love Onfolio, but it's heavy, and this combination does everything I need (and by using the Microsoft SyncToy, I just sync my Scrapbook on my USB drive and take it with me wherever I go, which is something I never managed to do with Onfolio).
Title: Re: Klipfolio 3b
Post by: f0dder on February 01, 2006, 06:25 AM
Firefox scrapbook is one of the reasons I'm not using Opera...

I'm using Website Watcher for my web monitoring needs, including RSS. It's a bit clumsy for RSS as it is right now, but I've suggested the author to change the "InfoWin" to something like The Bat's mailticker... that would make it awesome :)
Title: Re: Klipfolio 3b
Post by: rjbull on May 04, 2006, 06:07 AM
Firefox scrapbook is one of the reasons I'm not using Opera...

OBook Plugin for Opera Browser version 1.0 beta 5 ( is a scrapbook work-alike for Opera

Title: Re: Klipfolio 3b
Post by: f0dder on May 04, 2006, 11:08 AM
Opera supports plugins now? :D - ok, 1.0 beta, I'll wait a bit. But this sound *good*  :-*
Title: Re: Klipfolio 3b
Post by: bliss on May 05, 2006, 03:23 AM
KlipFolio2.6 has been my no-browser favorite for a while now, but I mostly just use Firefox's "Live Bookmarks" (via the bookmark manager). It gives me a dropdown menu of news-feeds. Not very sophisticated but it gets me the news really well. I'll have to check the new version. However I'll first check out this 'Scrapbook extension' you mention. Thanks for that.
Title: Re: Klipfolio 3b
Post by: Cloq on May 06, 2006, 11:23 AM
I quite like Klipfolio, lightweight app that does a lot and is actively supported by devs and fans. :-*
Yes, it still has a few bugs (namely adding custom rss feeds don't work properly.. yet) but they are being squashed and fixed.