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Microsoft patches applied - EVEN WHEN AUTOUPDATE IS OFF

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Too bad for me? I love *nix, but I also dont dilute myself into believing it could ever take the place of windows for 90% of users. There is a reason it hasnt taken off yet, lets just leave it at that and let this thread go back to its topic.

Ralf Maximus:
Actually, it *is* a big deal.  Reaching into my computer and changing files -- any files -- when I have expressly denied permission is wrong.  Even with the best of intentions, mistakes happen.  Recall the WGA disaster of a month ago where Vista machines went dark because they couldn't phone home?  All Microsoft's fault, no malicious intent, but the incident should be a wake up call.

How would you feel if one morning you discovered your Windows validation had been revoked, only due to a mistake?  They have demonstrated they can stealth-modify files.  Even more troubling, the article states there is no way to learn what was modified or why -- only the date & filename are available.  No KB article.  This is not transparent behavior, and one is compelled to wonder why?  If it's a simple bug fix, then say so.  The fact they go to some lengths to obsfucate the matter is more upsetting than the action itself.

I utilize a fully-paid MSDN platform subscription for all my Windows test machines.  It's not difficult to imagine a block of serial numbers accidently deactivated, and the news sent down the wire to my little herd of test mules.  Suddenly I cannot conduct business.  What recourse then?

Or try out this far fetched, but still plausible scenario: MS licensing policy changes, and XP schedules itself to stop working on a particluar date, forcing a migration to Vista?

Until we learn more, there is nothing good to say about these activities or by extension the policies they enact.

Carol Haynes:
And another article (with a vote at the bottom) ...

I have added a poll at the top of this thread ...

Can you add another option:

They shouldn't really do it, but life's too short to care


Carol Haynes:
True - but I think you are stuck with Don't Care or Buy me a beer


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