Forum Software => Mouser's Zone => Find And Run Robot => Topic started by: Josh83 on August 08, 2007, 01:53 PM

Title: Display Extended Results ?
Post by: Josh83 on August 08, 2007, 01:53 PM

So, as I'm sure is obvious, I'm a newbie to FARR. But I'd been having Launchy issues lately and wanted to try the new beta 2.0 release of FARR when I heard it had folder launching capabilities.

I'm loving FARR and don't plan on going back to Launchy. But I have one question.

I understand the process of configuring FARR to display a certain number of results. But how do I see the "extended results" or the results in rows, as the two numerical options seem to indicate exist?

Sorry for the silly newbie question.

Title: Re: Display Extended Results ?
Post by: jgpaiva on August 08, 2007, 02:37 PM
Hi josh!!

I'm loving FARR and don't plan on going back to Launchy. But I have one question.
Now that's what we want to hear! Not that we hate Launchy, but we love farr :D

I suppose you're using the latest beta of farr.

To show all the results for something, just add "+sall" to your query (that stands for "show all").

I'm sure you won't regret moving to farr!!

Also,could you please tell us what made you dump launchy?
And since you have used launchy probably for more time than any of us did, what did you like about it that farr doesn't have?

Title: Re: Display Extended Results ?
Post by: Josh83 on August 08, 2007, 03:52 PM
Well, I primarily used Launchy and now FARR to find files and documents. (I'm a grad student in American history with 1000s of PDF and Word files on my HD split into specific folders. With some type of indexing program, as you might imagine, it's much easier to access those files.)

The most significant issue I had with Launchy related to its CPU usage. When it periodically re-indexed, my CPU usage would nearly top out. But, more significantly, at odd times it would do this and it wouldn't end. And it seemed that the only way to solve the problem was to either go without Launchy or close all my programs, shutdown the computer, reboot, etc., all of which was a big pain.

I had other random issue with it, but that was perhaps the most significant. Comparing FARR and Launchy, I just like the interface and style of FARR much better, in addition to it seeming to use less system resources, etc.

Plus, FARR seems much more customizable, but I'm just learning that stuff.

Once again, I'm sure this is obvious to experienced users: Does any anyone have any tips on how to force my most desired result to the top. For example, when I type "desk" desktop doesn't even list in the first 15 results in FARR. But when I finish the word to "Desktop," it does. How would I go about making my desktop the first result for "desk"?

Title: Re: Display Extended Results ?
Post by: mouser on August 08, 2007, 03:57 PM
some miscelaneous tips:
1) if you have documents in certain locations that you sometimes want to restrict search to, you can add a keyword modifier to certain search directories, for example you might add the keyword docs to the folder with your documents in them, and then when you want to restrict a search to those documents do +docs in your search.
2) you can add pattern scoring rules to do things like boost the scores of all *.pdf files or similar stuff.
3) you can get really fancy and use some of the advanced tricks that nitrix uses to make it possible to type a short string but get complicated results.  see or just ask nitrix, i'm sure he'd be happy to help if you can describe in more detail what kind of results you'd like to bias up to the top.
4) if its just a specific result or two or 10 that you want to boost, you can either add a specific score to that result (right click and choose "add rule for this item"), and/or just launch it once, and it will right away get a big boost for next time.
Title: Re: Display Extended Results ?
Post by: Josh83 on August 08, 2007, 04:14 PM
Thanks for the tips.  :Thmbsup:

What do I select to do #4 when I right-click on the desired item?
Title: Re: Display Extended Results ?
Post by: mouser on August 08, 2007, 04:16 PM
choose "add rule for this item"
note that this is just a quick way of adding an item in the pattern score tab.
Title: Re: Display Extended Results ?
Post by: Josh83 on August 09, 2007, 01:29 PM
I've played around with that, but I'm confused as to how I would make just my desktop (as a folder) get preference, rather than all items on my desktop. Wouldn't putting my desktop location with a "/*" after it just give preference to all things on my desktop?

Sorry for the probably dumb questions. When it comes to some computer stuff, I'm just not that smooth.

Title: Re: Display Extended Results ?
Post by: Josh83 on August 09, 2007, 01:32 PM
Wait...I think I've got it...  :D