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General Software Discussion / I will actually try to do a zettelkasten
« on: February 19, 2022, 07:14 AM »
Am thinking I will actually give zettelkasten a go.
I researched it thoroughly previously, but didn't try to follow all the rules.
  • Was unsure about best software to use
  • Was unsure about its range of utility. How to set limits. Use it for everything? But Luhmann's note-keeping was very focused. I think I have clarified my ideas on that, particularly helped by reading many of his notes (available online; most still only digitised rather than OCRd.) They're very academic shorthand. Not like Ahrens' account at all. And that makes sense to me. Not masses of work, except in thinking about the links.
  • And never completely decided about the folgezettel. Seemed to make sense despite the arguments of the original software brigade. As my mind pondered though, I came to see it as essential. Not just in linking but in sketching out future publications.

So how to do it?
afaics, folgezettel are just pointers in an outline. So lots of programs can do that. The key is the very manual requirement to decide exactly where to place each note.
Which programs?
I don't know wikis, but assume they can.
Otherwise, I see no reason why they can't be done in an outliner - Dynalist or Workflowy say. Put bullets in the right sequence, wikilinks available, notes as bullet notes. Also tagging. Should work.
Obsidian? Single file ordered list with notes below. Using wikilinks for the note view without actually embedding them. I think I'll try that. Most users would just use a MOC list with atomic notes in the vault; that would work easily too, but won't be so quickly convertible to OPML.
One folgezettel advantage of an ordered list is that each note has a unique number, even if it has to be derived by following the hierarchy back instead of having it in the note.

I have a date/time shortcut available in any program I type in anyway so that will make any simple title unique.

Also notice Tangent Notes. Very early stages. Looks okay. Local files, will work seamlessly on Obsidian files. No idea what advantages it intends to have. I think I saw another one around too. Still looks as if there will be more and more of them.

I noticed updates today from Logseq and Obsidian (insider). But I've no particular interest in looking at either.

I had
Scrum is iterative.
I had a quick look at the video; it seemed quite long, so I only looked at a bit. But it looked as if Scrum is about getting things done?

I know that's how kanban is usually used, but what interests me is purely the picture. The types of graph that Vonnegut used to draw. He applied his, mostly, to fiction, but I believe the approach should be applied to any form of writing - the presentation of the results of experiments, legal reports, academic papers, pre-publication reviews of said papers, magazine articles. Everything has expectations in terms of length and structure - and sometimes they are demands more than expectations. Before I start a project, I expect to have a clear idea about form and shape. What I like about kanban is that I can use it to give me the views I want to track how it's developing (it will diverge more often than not, sometimes that's better but sometimes I can see that it will fail before the end). I can use it to plan, and I can use it to track.

And I need to be able to pick it up again after a long gap. So a very visible format will help with that. Nothing helps with research gaps because the situation has often changed when it's picked up again.

I've tried many kanbans, including those in Obsidian and Logseq, but found none of them helpful in practice
Actually, I think Plottr is best viewed as a kanban. But rigid and inflexible compared to WF.

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