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New cross-platform Vector app [looking for your support]

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(see attachment in previous post)
It's history folks! Stagestack is no more.

Full article here.
-40hz (January 17, 2013, 01:28 PM)
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turns out we read the article too quickly :tellme: (but it still sounds like it's not alive as a big project)
... Quasado might start an open source project. Interestingly enough, this is exactly what the Quasado team is now considering.
For now Quasado is looking for your input on the possible future of the project.
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there was an interesting blog post on Jan 11 responding to the input given (the Libre article was Jan.10):

What are our next steps

* Try to improve communication ASAP without wasting to much time better spent in programming. As a first step, at least weekly status reports as well as a monthly newsletter might be a good step.
* Focus on innovation, leaving other aspects of Freehand (expect it's better usability) a side for later revisions
* Focus on getting somewhere even if worse then others at this point but keep improving
* Try to stick on timelines
* Work on this project as much as we (I?) can without funding right now
What are we currently doing?

As a first step of better communication, I want to tell you what I've been working on lately and just finished today.
My idea was to rework the current, underlying model of handling graphic documents. The current model has several weaknesses including not being able to load/save, no proper undo/redo, no propery linking between nodes (i.e. for styles etc.), not prepared for multi-threading and so on. To save time for the future, I've decided myself about three months ago to write a separate project that included a completely new model as well as rendering engine. Now, today I've finished with the new model and overall, I'm pretty much satisfied with it. It supports all the features mentioned before and ought to be a good ground base for a better Stagestack Core. And as a goody, here's the first usable output of loading/saving, as you can see, we're trying to stick with standardized xml:
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Whats going on regarding Stagestack?

[...] Quasado is not ready to give up. They have decided to build a pure web-based (JS/HTML5) edition of the product first, which will help to better fit into present investor strategies (web and mobile apps) as well to allow it to run on mobile, web and for getting a prototype out much sooner. Furthermore, thanks to the donations received--and Quasado's own financial fund--this first prototype can be developed completely on its own. Quasado is planning on publishing a limited-function prototype for people to play around on the web by early to mid-April 2013.


We asked about details on their programming process and Quasado tells us they will be using the same web-code for building up a desktop edition by replacing performance-critical parts with native code. They believe this is quite an interesting experiment and will still allow users to work with exactly the same feature-set on the web as well as the native application. They are also building an infrastructure / SAAS Solution around the web edition that will allow designers to better manage and handle their designs as well as interact with their customers. It will support interactive components; meaning users can do UI-Drafts, for example, and other such functions.

their blog might be of interest to coders:
e.g. Fighting against the language - about whether to use 'pure' javascript or not

I think their approach of developing it for the web and then porting it to the desktop is ill-advised at best. (Call it a hunch and take it with a grain of salt.)

Nevertheless, I wish them well.  :)

I think their approach of developing it for the web and then porting it to the desktop is ill-advised at best. (Call it a hunch and take it with a grain of salt.)-40hz (February 26, 2013, 06:18 AM)
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it's interesting that (it sounds like) they can only get funding for an web version.
As to porting, I wouldn't have a clue :-)

^I keep thinking that developing an app such as that would be challenging enough without also attempting to pull it off via an experimental approach to coding it...

But who knows? Maybe it is possible to pull off two minor miracles simultaneously. ;D :Thmbsup:

And yeah, cloud/web/SaaS/'subscription model' is all the rage in tech investment circles. And probably will remain so until the day some super-popular online/cloud product does a major crash and burn on its users. But until that happens, web is where it's at.

And I'm sure you're correct. "Web-based" probably was the only thing they could say that would entice an angel to roost on their rooftop. 8)


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