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Developer's Corner / DVD Burning
« on: September 29, 2012, 01:18 AM »
looking for some suggestions for software, free or pay for that is user freindly and that can take MP4s or avi files and make a DISK that will play on DVD player?
Any ideas, or help would be great, I am not a techie so user friendly is a must! I have already tried a few free one like infraRecorder that doesn't work.  :tellme:

Mouser's Zone / IP Address
« on: September 28, 2012, 01:44 AM »
Was wondering, does anyone know of free way to change my IP address to SHOW I am from the UK or Germany? I have seen services like Covermyass which hides or changes my IP address. A bit pricey since I don't need it unless I'm on utube or artist direct web sites that don't allow me to see there content because I'm in US. ;D

General Software Discussion / Re: In search of ... RAMdisk opinions
« on: September 23, 2012, 02:01 AM »
I like the concept of RAMdisk or RAMdrive read a brief article in I believe PC World. But when I tried finding out more info all my tech friends didn't really know that much. I think the article said it was 10 times faster than a SSD drive, but since I never used it, wasn't sure how to make it work with a program. :)
Just deep down like the idea.

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