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How to cleanse a playlist, for dublicates?

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PlayTime is almost ingenious, but not quite for this job. It doesn't offer to auto-remove duplicates, and it will only list file names, not track names. So, if I have the same number added from two different folders (Original Album, and Best Of), it will not be spotted. But, Thank You ;-)

my pardon to be wide off-mark but allow me to try again. :) you may have noticed app's mentioning of Trout, which is Skwire's magnum opus. you can load a playlist (tpl,m3u,pls,wpl), choose to remove duplicates and save the playlist. hth..


my pardon to be wide off-mark but allow me to try again. :) you may have noticed app's mentioning of Trout, which is Skwire's magnum opus. you can load a playlist (tpl,m3u,pls,wpl), choose to remove duplicates and save the playlist. hth..-lanux128 (February 12, 2011, 09:10 AM)
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Unfortunately, it removes duplicates based off of path and it doesn't save to m3u or wpl so I don't think it would help Curt much.

lol, shows how much i know about the program.. :-[

lol, shows how much i know about the program.. :-[-lanux128 (February 12, 2011, 10:30 AM)
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Well, to be fair, I really ought to add at least M3U writing support.  =]  Trout can read most major formats like M3U, WPL, ASX etc.  It only writes to its native TPL format, though. 


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