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What's your Favorite Recent Computer Game, and Why?

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I think it's time for a thread on our favorite computer games..  Even those of us who don't play computer games very often, it can be a fun to take a little break.

So, what's your favorite computer game you've played in the last couple of years?

I like the GTA and Hitman series of games, but recently I tried out "Sniper Elite" which I'm really enjoying.  It's basically a first-person stealth/sniper game, and for those of you who enjoy the occasional sniper aspects of normal first person games, this will be heaven for you, all sniping, all the time.  Done really well and extremely satisfying.  Has an amazing slow motion bullet-cam effect too.  big thumbs up from me if you like this kind of game.

My favorite is Crusader Kings from Paradox.
Though the game is rather old, it is great for roleplaying.
I like having a court full of inbreds. :D

Another game from Paradox that impress me is Hearts of Iron 2: Doomsday. It's a WW2 game and there're so many ways to start the game.

Great if you like roleplaying with historical elements.

My favorite is probably the flash mmorpg Dofus -- mmo's inherently have more replay value than any other kind of game.

That aside, I too am a big fan of the Hitman series--the latest installment is brilliant.  The Metroid Prime series for GameCube is a great new take on the metroid series as well.

My favorite new standalone game to date, admittedly a year or two old now, is Killer 7.  It's refreshingly different, albeit potentially socking/disturbing.

I love puzzle games.  :-*

I also like competing when I play. The problem with most of the games I have, is that I am too good at them to compete with other members of my family.

Lexicon is the exception.  It's like Scrabble.

It's one of the few things on a pc that my husband can actually handle. He's not too bad at it either.

Half-Life 2 : superb realization, difficulty well managed

Quake III : very intense, less time spent on it !


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