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Living Room / Anyone have an xbox they don't want any more?
« on: November 13, 2009, 07:03 AM »
Long time friend and fellow coder, Krishean, who has helped me quite a bit over the years with coding and inspiration, is in a bit of a jam.

For the past 3 years he has been hosting his website on an xbox (original, not 360) and it no longer works.

He is in need of a new (used) one for hosting his website.

If anyone has one in good working order that they do not need any more, that they would be willing to donate, it would be much appreciated. has been gone for quite some time and i think i should explain why
for close to three years, if not three years, draconislabs had been running continuously on an xbox (original, not 360)
at the beginning of this past october, the xbox started to overheat, it had reached the end of its lifespan
it was never designed to run for such a long period continuously and finally said no more.
currently, the server is being run out of a virtual machine, but hopefully soon i will have a new server for it.

General Software Discussion / Looking for a difference tool
« on: November 04, 2009, 01:15 PM »
I need a tool, either desktop or online, that can show me the difference between 2 blocks of text.

I just want to be able to paste them both into boxes and click a button, rather than having to create files from them in order to compare.

It can't compare line 1 in box A to line 1 in box B and say they are different and leave it at that. It needs to be able to highlight why they are different.

  • Has something been added?
  • Has something been removed?
  • Has something been moved or rearranged?

And it should color code the highlights so I can know what the deal is. And it can not highlight the whole line. It needs to highlight only the differences within the line or block.

I am looking for comparisons like this:





The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog.
The quick brown dog jumped over the lazy red fox.

So far I haven't found one that can do this with comparing a very long single line string to another, and without me having to make files out of them first.

Volery is a cool new service created by two programmers in San Francisco who believe that installing software shouldn’t require work. It’s simple to use and has a large selection of popular freeware and open source applications. Just pick the apps you want to install, download the Volery installer, then walk away and do something fun while it does all the work for you. The service installs the software with default settings and says “no” to any extra crapware (like browser toolbars) the installers might try to sneak in. Volery isn’t even installed on your system, you just use a stand alone executable to begin the install process.


Invite code and link are at end of the article.

Living Room / Diagrammr: Create and share diagrams by writing sentences
« on: September 19, 2009, 08:11 AM »
Diagrammr is an interesting web application that will allow you to make auto-generated diagrams by simply typing in sentences. The first word becomes a block, the last word another block, and they are connected in the direction in which they are written, with the middle of your sentence alongside the arrow.

Typing in the same block name again will create a new relationship with that object.

Every diagram has its own unique URL which can be shared. Whoever you share it with can edit it, adding and removing items. This makes it possible for a group to work on the same diagram together, or you can come back later and make edits, yourself. (make sure you save the image to your computer and share just the image, if you don't want anyone editing it.)


And if you want to see something really scary...

here's my social flow, yo!

Living Room / Happy Programmer Day! 1111 1111
« on: September 13, 2009, 01:45 AM »
Q: When is Programmer Day?
A: Programmer Day is the 256th day of every year, September 13th or the 12th on leap years.

Q:Why the 256th Day of the year?
A: A byte can have 256 possible values, bytes are very important to programmers. Not because they are required for programs to work, but because the payroll system and Krispy Kreme doughnut cash registers require them.

Q: How is Programmer Day celebrated?
A: Anyway you want! Here are some suggestions:
  • Speak in code (or pseudocode) all day - Thanks to Sam Pospischil!
  • Decorate a tree with zeros and ones to make a binary tree
  • Make Happy Programmer Day cards using ASCII art
  • Have a contest for the best binary pun / programming joke

Q: Your logo has 1111 1111 that's 255, not 256, right?
A: While 1111 1111 = 255 as a direct conversion, it's the 256th value so it is correct. January 1st is 0000 0000 so if you celebrate Programmer Day on the 255th day you're guilty of an off by one error.

programmers day.jpg

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