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Living Room / Re: Top 10 Most Depressing Quotes from Orwell's 1984
« on: March 18, 2008, 12:36 AM »
hey guys and gals, remember that we try to avoid politics on this forum!  :mad:
It's alright if libtards vent, why can't I?
I'm pointing out the hypocrisy.
Earlier we had someone bemoaning the moral judgement of the "religious right", like in,"How dare they make a moral judgement!!!!".
Yet in Saudi Arabia they behead women who commit adultery and gay men, in Iran they hang them and kill homosexuals.
Stoning is common for moral crimes among Muslims.
Last I heard Christians ain't doing that, but they are more vilified and feared than sharia law and are paving the way for "big brother".
Give me a freaking break.
And the truth is that for over 2000 years Europeans have been responsible for or acquiescent to way more mass murder than we have in our roughly 250, Europe is where we got the word slave.
The perversion of the Catholic Church and Christianity during the inquisition was a European thing.
So IMO ain't no euroweenie can sit on his high horse and lecture me about freedom and human rights.
So save it for the other kool-aide drinkers fodder.

Living Room / Re: Top 10 Most Depressing Quotes from Orwell's 1984
« on: March 17, 2008, 11:10 PM »
Both of those sound like good ideas to me... the .us health system is basically fail, compared to how it works in non-privatized countries. And fatness is becoming a serious health problem. Imho snacks and soft drinks have no place in schools, the sugar intake makes you dull & tired & bad at learning.
So it's all right for the government to tell you what to eat and how much to weigh?
How about where to spend your money and how much, who to give it to and so on?
Who the hell are you to determine how much someone is entitled to use legal substances?
What your saying is it's alright for the government to monitor you if you approve of it but bad if you don't.

And you got the unmitigated gall to whine about surveillance cameras and automated tracking / face recognition software?
what a hypocritical boob.

Where you at Europe?
The continent that gave us communism, Nazism and industrial scale genocide?
Like they know anything about self determination and responsibility.

Clean up your own totalitarian mess before you start criticizing anyone else.

Living Room / Re: Top 10 Most Depressing Quotes from Orwell's 1984
« on: March 17, 2008, 08:55 PM »
But we have strayed OT too far, my friend.  :(
I don't see how.
The title of the thread suggests that the fictional novel "1984" has some sort of relevance to reality.
I'm pointing out that it doesn't, except in the fevered mind of the ultra paranoid.
You made some absurd statements about the current administrations "evils" and in some way this is supposed to convince us that we are on the march to "big brother" while ignoring the policies of past administrations and their ineptitude and bad behaviour.
I call BS.
If you're really worried about freedom consider this.
Internment camps for Japanese-Americans during WWII was a policy instituted by Roosevelt, a democrat.
The Korean and Vietnam wars were democrat wars, involuntary forced conscription (the draft) was a democratic policy.
The draft was the greatest governmental seizure and deprivation of freedom of all time, and it and those wars were overseen by increasingly liberal democrats.
If you think "big brother" has you now, wait until after the elections and you have to report to an induction center.
Reading "1984" don't mean you know squat about "big brother", hearing someone call out your birth date in the high tens during a draft lottery does.

Living Room / Re: Top 10 Most Depressing Quotes from Orwell's 1984
« on: March 17, 2008, 10:49 AM »
The government telling people how they should live and think (a.k.a. the Religious Right that dominates the Executive Branch).
You honestly think it's the religious right who dictate how people should live?
Have you not heard of the tobacco settlement? How about snack restrictions in public schools?
The continuous attempts by left leaning trial lawyers to sue the fast food industry?
What about the current democratic candidates that want to dictate how I pay for my health insurance and the government monitoring the BMI of school children?
But that's all OK because it's for the "common good"....right?
I have yet to meet any individual who has been affected by "surveillance of every individual 24 x 7 (a.k.a wire/email tapping)", but plenty of people who have been or will be affected by the very things I've listed.

I too could go on and on.

Living Room / Re: Top 10 Most Depressing Quotes from Orwell's 1984
« on: March 17, 2008, 01:14 AM »
I really don't see how anyone capable of independent thought can read that novel and see it as anything more than an over embellished satire.
The idea that humans would be so in thrall to the state that they would tolerate the banishment of all vices to big brother for the greater good is laughable on the face of it.
We won't lose our freedoms to an oppressive police state, we'll lose them over cradle to grave dependency on nanny statism.
When the majority of the people of any country are dependent on the socialist teat for sustenance then the government has to confiscate more from the citizens who produce to shore up the welfare state.
That is what will kill freedom.

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