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Other Software > Developer's Corner

Help with autohotkey: Command line switches

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I'm not sure what you're trying to get achieved but i think this is what you're looking for:

--- ---mycommand=%1%

If mycommand = 1
MsgBox, success

If myothercommand = 1
MsgBox, failure
If myotherothercommand = 1
MsgBox, nothing


then call it like this:

* argumenttest 1
* argumenttest 0 1first one will show success, second one failure

Ah, OK. I think I understand now. I was messing up the parameters and then messed up the code. :P

EDIT: I am still lost, it keeps launching all the options at once. I am going to keep messing with the code to see what I am doing wrong.

I have to say I never had such a struggle trying to get a switch off a command line.  Then to make it even more fun the Scite param passing tool in the editor is broken!!! Sheesh!!

All I'm trying to do is loop through the params and if the first is
/q do "quiet mode" but I can't even detect the /q.  It's really bizarre.

seems like the only method that works at all is
Loop %0%

anything else, the value is blank.  really weird

Here's my version. ;) (Edited to a simplier version.)

--- ---loop
switch := %a_index%
if switch =

If switch = /h
msgbox, Command line parameter /h detected

If switch = /help
msgbox, Command line parameter /help detected

If switch = /hidden
msgbox, Command line parameter /hidden detected
Command line switches work in any order. Example:
scriptname /h
scriptname /h /hidden
scriptname /hidden /help /h


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