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Android Apps / Re-usable ToDo lists (possibly using *Checklist DC*?)
« on: September 28, 2019, 03:05 PM »
I want an app for ToDo lists that would be re-used. They are not recurring in the sense to be done every day or every tuesday -- I would use list xyz simply whenever I'm doing xyz again.

I think Checklist DC is suitable, but I would have a request or two.

Ideally the app would have three levels of hierarchy:

(although I can work around this as suggested here -- include topic name ('Parent' above) in item text, e.g "Warmup - stretch#1").

Important would be quick and easy way of removing all checkmarks (in one group). I dont think this is easily possible in Checklist.

Wonderful would be a way of collapsing the individual nodes (is that the correct term) in the hierarchy (in Checklist, categories would be collapsable). Ideally all the hierarchy would be collapsed and one could expand whichever topic is relevant. This would make it much easier to scroll through all categories.
In Checklist one can scroll horizontally through the categories as tabs, this is quite effective. Maybe I'm just stuck in the traditional scroll down approach -- I do like the fact I would be able to see a lot more in one view.

In Checklist there's a lot of space used for the tabs and to display lists -- below is unusual in that there is often only one sub-item, this is where most space is wasted. I would love it to be more space conscious, more compact.

  • In this example I had used abbreviations for the titles in the hopes the tabs would be narrower.
  • The write/edit icon could be a lot smaller imo
  • Theres a lot of space between each category

I'm open to other suggestions than Checklist (there's very few apps with 'recurring' in the title, I tried Recurlog, it's not bad but aimed at recurring in a once-a-week sense).

Mouser, what do you think of the suggestions for Checklist -- which might be possible?

I'll try and do a mockup of suggestions but cannot currently...
Not sure how helpful this is:

Screenshot - 2019-09-28 , 22_16_26_ver001.jpg

some nodes are collapsed.

Automatic Screenshotter / Help capturing systray notifications
« on: July 15, 2019, 05:46 PM »
Automatic Screenshotter:
I tried to set options so as system tray notifications would be captured: this not happening yet. Are my settings incorrect?

Screenshot - 2019-07-16 , 00_41_54_ver001.jpg

here an example tray notification (captured here by Screenshot Captor as it was fading)

Screenshot - 2019-07-15 , 21_56_18.jpg
windows 7 x64

Living Room / EU to Stop Summer (or is it Winter) Time
« on: September 16, 2018, 05:57 AM »
There's been a bit of discussion about stopping the clocks going back/forward within the EU.
I can only one find one site reporting the decision on Friday to go ahead with scrapping summer -- or will it be winter -- time. The site appears to be reputable. Possibly the decision was made late Friday when all other reporters were already in the pub. Or something.

EU to stop changing the clocks in 2019

It's not clearly stated, but sounds possible that each country will decide whether they go with summer or winter time :-/

I've read that coding for time is difficult. Sounds like it may get even more complex in 2019.
Me, I look forward to it -- hope they go with summer time.

Living Room / Procrastination as a phase in a project
« on: July 26, 2018, 07:03 AM »
   Most of us know procrastination. Gets in the way and stops us from doing things.
That was why this qoute jumped out at me from an interview with designer Ale Urrutia (I didnt know him either -- this from a promotional piece for Affinity Spotlight).

      Designer Ale Urrutia: 'I've always been an observer'

      Q: How do you approach the start of a new project?

      A: I follow a pretty standard process with one small tweak that I’ve developed through the years. I tend to procrastinate and not jump straight into a project as soon as it starts. I purposely delay the beginning of the work for planning, concept and design. I believe that disconnecting from the process at an early stage allows me to digest the initial findings and think at a more subconscious level. I’ve found that the procrastination stage often leads to good ideas and solutions. It sometimes also leads to tight deadlines!

      The process looks like this:
         1. Research,
         4. Design,
         2. Procrastinate,
         3. Plan,
         5. Evaluate,
         6. Iterate if necessary.

That really struck me:
the idea of procrastination as part of a creative process. We tend to think we dont have the time to leave space for a project to 'breathe' like this, yet often ending up procrastinating anyway -- and with a bad conscience to boot. How about if we allow for a certain amount, and see it in a different light?

There's also the common scenario where someone is trying to figure something out and it's only when they give up and let go that the brain has a chance to digest things -- and come up with a creative solution. Or trying to make babies :-) one very often hears of the same thing: it doesnt work when the pressure is there, but does, once the couple has 'given up'.

I scrawled this somewhere lately:
   Wisdom is often about realising that you're being stupid, and stopping that.
So if you're someone who (unsuccessfully?) gives yourself a hard time about procrastination, maybe there is a different approach out there. I haven't figured it out for me yet, but do feel like I'm making progress over the years -- there probably isn't a simple solution to too much distraction / consuming / procrastination -- but stopping giving myself a hard time about it is/was a first step for me.

DC Website Help and Extras / DC on the smallish screen
« on: July 12, 2018, 03:20 AM »
DC looks good in portrait mode on a smartphone screen:
In landscape mode though, the advantage of the wider screen is negated by the amount of space taken to display the user info:
On my older lower res phone, the user avatar didn't show in landscape mode, so I presume the threshold could be adjusted to cater to higher res small screens?

Second point:
you can see in the first shot that the quoted text is wider than the screen. This is because of a url.
=> Wondering could a line be allowed to break at a "/"
If so, would allow longer urls to wrap. Or that the url be shortened to page width by just showing dots in the mid...dle of the url?

I will post a link here to see if that is 'shortened', and if the problem is just links in quoted text:;topicseen

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