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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

Does it make sense to disable the windows swap file?

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justice: we already had a DC thread about that "XP Myths" page... basically, the guy only almost knows what he's talking about.

Virtual memory, as in using a paging file, is not always in use. On XP and later, you can disable the pagefile (but not on win2k and previous). However, it's obvious why you can get a bit confused about matters, since you cannot (when running windows) turn off the x86 protect-mode feature called "paging". Which is related to (and used by) disk paging, but does not imply it.

ah ok maybe someone needs to write an Xp Myths Myths page then.

ah ok maybe someone needs to write an Xp Myths Myths page then.
-justice (July 07, 2008, 09:40 AM)
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Basically did that in that thread ;), and it ended up very heated... probably the only thread I've seen on DC that became uncomfortable.

ah ok maybe someone needs to write an Xp Myths Myths page then.
-justice (July 07, 2008, 09:40 AM)
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Basically did that in that thread ;), and it ended up very heated... probably the only thread I've seen on DC that became uncomfortable.
-f0dder (July 07, 2008, 09:56 AM)
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An XP Myth thread ended up getting very heated? :lol: Boy does that ever prove we are a bunch of techno-wankers here at DC.

Sure does feel good to finally have a home! :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup:

just btw:
I have a (very) old version of photoshop (5.5)
wont run unless I have a paging file & I do use it fairly regularly so I have a paging file again :)


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