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How about that. I'll be the first to say that he has the right to do so. But it's sure distasteful and poor form to actually do it.

Looking at it from a few steps back, it might be a good thing. This could show that he's pretty desperate because the reaction to his "upgrade" has been so bad. Perhaps he'll be forced to bring back the old searches.

FWIW, part of the issue he's trying to address is correct, he's just stumbled on a bad solution for it. He is correct that the current Add process is clunky. Currently I enter my search, find the first entry that matches the edition I've got, then go back and transcribe that UPC into the search field and re-execute the search. He could have streamlined the process and eliminated the controversy just by automating that "transcribe the UPC" step.

As I said, I respect fully that they want to stand up a sole database that they control. Heck, it has proven to work for DVD Profiler by Invelos, but if they are going to do it, wait 2 versions for it to mature to a point where the every day user can find the primary movies they want. I have since come to understand more about Alwin's motives through PM with him, and respect his desired move, however, I think that forcing it in v6 was the wrong move. v7 would have been a great idea. 2 full versions worth of notice and user submissions, and we would have a great product. We shall see how this turns out

I don't see why this can't be made to work, either. As Josh said, it could have been handled better. I just received a book in the post published in 1967 and had no trouble retrieving its information from within Book Collector 6. Maybe they could have had a big announcement about this change over coming in a future version and stressing the need for their databases to grow, and then letting people opt-in or out of a scheme to be introduced in either a new version or a new build of the current version of the Collectorz catalogue that might see their DVD, book, Comic, etc. searches and results uploaded into the relevant Collectorz database. Don't know what the legal implications of that would be... or the fall-out from disgruntled users contributing to a database that is set to make Collectorz money, but then they're already facing that criticism!

Just a thought.

All My Movies program supports IMDb as a movie details source as well as many other online movie databases. The latest All My Movies version is able to import Movie Collector database, so you don't need to start your database from the scratch.

It now appears that collectorz has come out and said that their products will report back the serial number on each search as a way of product protection and anti-piracy. See here


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