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As I said previosuly.  xcopy will do this for you

xcopy c:\ x:\ /s /c /y 1>x:\out.txt 2>x:\err.txt

The errors will be ignored, but reported in the file x:\err.txt

Replace x: with the drive you want to copy to.

Why not use 'xcopy' from the command line a /c  (ignore's errors)


xcopy c: x: /c /s /b

c: being the drive to copy from
x: being the drive to copy to


Try this for a start.

Download latest TextCapture.....

Its very simple and basic. 

other text captures I have seen tend to capture area's of the screen, this isn't much good if you move or resize the window you are capturing from, so I have made sure this captures from a particular control on screen, no matter where it is.

So, if you want to capture the Firefox status bar....

1. Fire up firefox
2. Fire up TextCapture
3. Click the 'Detect' button
4. Hold the mouse pointer over the text/control you want to monitor (i.e. the text thats currently showing on the statusbar of firefox).
5. Wait a few seconds, a message will appear for you to confirm the text you are hovering over (you main need to move the main window to see the message)
6. Confirm if the text it has picked up is correct, by clicking OK.
7. Thats it, now any text value that goes into that control will be logged.
8. Click stop when you want to finish.

Let me know how you get on.

This seems easy enough, I'm happy to do this?


I'll just see if I can tidy it up a bit. 


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