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TimeClue is designed to help you develop a habit of resting your eyes every 15 minutes (recommended for heavy computer users).

Alerts are raised at fixed time, as otherwise that habit will never stick, according to my own experience.

All that experience boils down to this: reminder software is useless for eye-resting unless it helps you nurture a good habit.

FadeTop is a free, portable and extremely simple break reminder software that fades your desktop into a bluish color at regular intervals.

At minute 0, 15, 30 and 45 of each hour, the fader gets activated. (Fader won't become active unless the program has been running for at least 15 minutes.)

If you want to know what the fading looks like, just start FadeTop and click the program icon in system tray.

To quit, right click the icon and choose Exit from the shortcut menu.

Updates (May 21, 2011 UTC):

FadeTop v2.5 or later supports below options (configurable via the Options dialog):

1) auto fade interval: interval between alarms (1..60 in minutes)
2) fade duration: interval between alarms (1..300 in seconds)
3) max opacity: the maximum opacity for the overlay color (1..100 in percentage)
3) overlay color: color for fading the desktop
4) text color: color for time digits
5) text size: font size for the time digits (10..900 in pixels)
6) block fader when a full-screen program is running


FadeTop in Action: (animated GIF)

FadeTop in System Tray:


Thanks! I'm considering below features:

1) click or double-click an item to enter editing mode;
2) select one or more lines, then copy/cut/paste/delete/hide;
3) sort lines alphabetically, or by text-length, or else;
4) export matched/unmatched lines to a new file;
5) state/stats/summary info for the status bar.

Any ideas?

Would no. 5) include the number of 'finds' ? - That would be very helpful.

The Fil number (# of lines filtered) in the status bar is for this. See below:


Do you plan any command line options? I tried for example from a command window "TextFilter.exe filename.ext" and it didn't seem to work. If you allow that...

Text Filter now supports this command line option.

Other update info can be found here:

Do you plan any command line options? I tried for example from a command window "TextFilter.exe filename.ext" and it didn't seem to work. If you allow that, people could create shortcuts to TextFilter that opened up a specific file automatically, so you could have shortcuts to multiple files without cluttering up the simple interface.

This is in the TODO list. Also, I plan to allow TF to run in a command line window.

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