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I am looking for a file browser that is optimized especially for networks

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I checked the users resource centre and there are thousands of hits on various combinations and iterations of network, directory, and cache/caching. Nothing jumped out at me. Sadly, I have no way of testing this for you as I don't have access to any network other than the one I run at home.

The concept is reasonable and you're right, it should be possible! But has it been "realised"? I have MANY file managers installed on my other system. Sometime this evening or tomorrow I'll try to read through the documentation for them and see if I strike gold. In the meantime, you could look at Altap Salamander (can use TC's plugi-ns), Total Commander (the plug-in system may yield something), Frigate 3 (has a fully featured web browser built-in), V the File Viewer, FileBoss (might be a strong candidate), FileQuest (though development has been stagnant for over a year), and DiskJockey File Viewer (also with built-in web browsing but also stalled development-wise for over a year). You could also check out AccelMan, which is now freeware. It, too, features web browsing (I think) and has a bunch of interesting features, if it is a bit quirky and in need of updating.

Sorry for the stream of consciousness response - good luck!

UPDATE: just checked and Altap Salamander has an option (enabled by default) Cache visited remote directories

OK, I'm out of my depth. I went through each of the file managers mentioned above and couldn't find much of anything out. Only clear possibility seems to be Altap Salamander, but I suspect that I am simply not looking at the right options/searching for the right help topics. So... you'll probably need to check these out yourself to be sure  :o

Thanks Darwin! I will try A. Salamander

A.Salamander does not feel any faster to me. Probably Xyplorer is faster than AS thou.

Although it will sound very strange coming from me, but did you try TotalCommander already.

My linux friends use that one all the time when they have to use a Windows system. My own experience of navigating/copying etc. between two Linux PC's over a WAN is that it goes really, really fast. True, it works in a DOS-like environment but if that is no problem you could create a similar setup using specific software for Windows (in case your machine and the WAN machine are both using Windows).

Less is more...especially over a WAN ;) 


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