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should I ragequit?

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I guess I am a hard person to get excited. I have not followed any of the threads about OBL, nor am I happy or upset about him being taken out. If there is one comment I have to make, it is about how this was apparently a perfect textbook operation where the Americans had no losses... yet they killed almost everyone they encountered.

Yes, it is a war. Yes, they thought Bin Laden might be there and I am sure he and his compatriots were very dangerous. But imo that should have been extra reason to try and catch him alive, rather than walk out with a corpse: after all, he is the REASON whole wars have been waged. Now, I am no American, and law-wise I have no 'right' to all that remains: a bunch of official documents to soothe us with. But that entire political climate led to assassinations in my country which imo messed up my government, and thus I actually find myself hoping for WikiLeaks v2 in this matter so I can get some answers. The entire planet was affected by this, so I can very much understand why some people are annoyed that people are celebrating about a dead corpse that cannot speak back.

The best thing to do is to take a deep breath and accept other peoples opinions. They don't mean bad by it; they just have been affected by it in different ways.

However, this episode confirms my decision to take some time off and cool my head.
-housetier (May 02, 2011, 11:00 AM)
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I know how you feel. I was at that point a while back in the OC thread. I wrote a few ******** posts in my head.

What I did was to empty my DC account by donating all the money I had in it to people here that I appreciate (not a lot of money, but enough for a decent night out for 2). I took a breather then, and came back.

It happens. People can piss you off badly. Anyone who has ever been in a relationship knows that. :)

I hope that you can put things in the past and stay.

However, this episode confirms my decision to take some time off and cool my head.-housetier (May 02, 2011, 11:00 AM)
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Taking a breather can be a fine thing to do - but please do come back :Thmbsup:

... but please do come back :Thmbsup:
-f0dder (May 02, 2011, 11:44 AM)
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+1 :)

Stoic Joker:
Many others have already put to far more eloquently than I tend to be. So...

Should I ragequit?-housetier (May 02, 2011, 08:37 AM)
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Actions taken in anger are seldom well thought out, Hence... I will simply vote no. As having a conscious is a good thing I'm told.


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