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General Software Discussion / Read locked file
« on: June 26, 2010, 06:07 PM »
Hey codies, I need your help.

I need to copy a file that's constantly "locked" by the application that's using it, WHILE it's using it. I tried patching the app to pass ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE on every call to CreateFile, but it doesn't work.

Any ideas that do NOT involve VSS?

Help would be greatly appreciated.

Update: the patch worked, *I* wasn't closing the fucking file when I had to. I deserve to be shot.

Living Room / I'm gonna need some grief counseling...
« on: June 25, 2010, 09:22 AM »
Just found that my favourite podcast (gadgettes) is being cancelled.


An acquaintance of an acquaintance of a friend

I smell trouble.

is asking if I will set up their web site for them


and I realized I have no idea what to charge for an old fashioned setup-the-domain-and-stick-a-few-static-pages-on-there-for-them site.
There's a reason for that!

There will be no ongoing maintenance,
That's what you think!

no shopping cart (or any other) scripting to deal with.
That's what you think! (2.0)

Design effort on my part will be minimal, if any (will probably consist mostly of convincing them not to use some eye-watering background image they think is beautiful). 

Do I have to say that again? :)

Any suggestions for a fair price ballpark?

Ask a pro designer, charge 75% of that.

ConvertXToDVD did the trick for me the very few times I had to do that.

Here in Australia most public 'puters are set up with limited rights i.e. not admin so you can't actually launch apps from a usb. Similar in the USA /Europe?

Here you have full admin rights and comuters are protected with Faronics Deep Freeze, so you get a fresh-installed desktop each time, at least on most cybercafé/school networks.

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