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DONE 07/16/05 - IDEA: Report the Number of Characters in Highlighted Text

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lots more functions could be added to this to manipulate clipboard text later.
suggestions are welcome.

One quick suggestion: could you make it an option to have a message box or balloon tip display the number?  I have balloon tips turned off (they have a nasty habit of popping up and not going away, eg printing balloon tips).  I realize this may just be asanine... but it doesn't sound to hard to do... I think!  Other than, it does exactly what it says, well. 


not assinine at all..
it's trivial for me to make messagebox option though it has the drawback of stealing focus and requiring you to press ok or hit enter.  but it's easy to add so i'll add that, and then later see if i can't find a nice free alert-box component like you see in ms outlook and other programs.

btw i was going to make this a tiny visual c++ tool but i figured that we might want to extend it with some new clipboard type operations so i went with c++ builder which is a lot easier for me to add stuff too, at the cost of a bigger exe.

another issue - i was thinking maybe that the auto ctrl+C option should have another checkbox option saying "restore clipboard after count."
so that it would auto copy the selected text, count it, then REPLACE the clipboard with what was in it before triggering the hotkey.

v1.00.02 uploaded without messagebox output option and clipboard text restore option.

any clipboard apps already have a hotkey to report this?
-mouser (July 15, 2005, 01:35 PM)
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Just for existing ClipMate users...  Whenever you copy text to the clipboard, then view it in the ClipMate Explorer window, the number of characters is shown in the status bar.

Again, I am not suggesting ClipMate as an alternative to Clipboard Helper; just showing that ClipMate users may not need it.  (I can't stand having to put a disclaimer on everything I say, but it seems to help prevent people from going nuts on me.)


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