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email client and a special feature

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To my (limited) knowledge it is possible to start Thunderbird with a batch script where you can specify which profile it should open. These profiles must exist, you cannot create these on the fly.

skwire is also right, applications need command-line support before you can use them in a batch script. Never, ever expect this support and even if your application has command-line support, don't expect too much usable options/parameters to be included. Besides, the use of batch is dwindling and there is some push towards PowerShell for the persons that make use of the command-line. With good reason, PowerShell is much more powerful and allows you to access applications in ways batch scripts cannot even dream of.

There is nice freeware (Idera) around that enables you to make scripts yourself. It comes with auto-complete, descriptions of all commands and their parameters + working example scripts, a debugger and access to community where you can download scripts as well.

Whatever time you dedicate to PowerShell with this software, it will be time well spent. 
-Shades (May 05, 2015, 09:41 PM)
--- End quote ---

At the time passing by sometimes I catalog my behaviour as a beggar. Just because for programmers like you or the most part of understand that most of my questions are solved with codes that solves a beginner.
It's true. i recognize.

I have a strong list of easy scripting environments. I have tried many of them . I understand the first day and foget the second....
Even I try adopting one of them and study deeper. But usually when i try i can't or even that tool is not the appropiate for the task.

So I came here and obtain the answer. That is the truth .

I have downloaded Idera.

Why ?   :o :-\ :-*

Very simple. I am not obtaining answers in the forum to a series of questions. And is not a fault of the magnificency of the donarioncoder members...
It's simply that some questions requires personalyzed scripts that only matters my needs.

I am doing now that deeper prospection with iMacros.
Other times may be AutoHotkey. Just because DC is full of good programmers in that metalanguage.


About Microsoft Powershell
By the way :
My notes on my diary june 29, 2010 at 10:42 am
I am not interested in this language.
If I mess will be worst....



I have problems with the command line.

I am trying with a portable version of Thunderbird.

Now I don't understand nothing ...

I find this :

But is for sending emails, not receiving


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