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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

SRWare Iron 5.0.380 beta browser

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-must be your mouse, causing it. At least mine works well:

Sorry; I am only testing the installed version.
I now see you were using the portable.

could be my mouse but other browsers do not have this behaviour. anyway i found this Smooth Scroll extension and am gonna see if it helps.

could be my mouse but other browsers do not have this behaviour. anyway i found this Smooth Scroll extension and am gonna see if it helps.
-lanux128 (May 10, 2010, 04:58 AM)
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Yes, there seems to be some issue with newer SRWare versions and Logitech mice.

With the older portable Iron 3.0.197 there was no issue, but with portable Iron 4.0.280 my mouse movement was seriously impaired-- to the point Iron was completely unuseable.

I now have both the older and newer portable SRWare versions running smoothly on my system. Can't comment on any issues with this latest beta.

Unfortunately, I'm not exactly sure what change I made to "fix" the mouse issue. Strange as I know this is gonna sound--try running Iron in Sandboxie to see if there's any change in mouse function. All I know is it worked for me.

I don't know of a decent password sync app. I searched for a while, even saw that you asked the question in another forum. ;)

If I find anything promising, I'll be sure to mention it here.

I don't know of a decent password sync app. I searched for a while, even saw that you asked the question in another forum. ;)

If I find anything promising, I'll be sure to mention it here.
-sajman99 (May 10, 2010, 02:33 PM)
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Thanks. I appreciate it.
Even if they made provision for export it wouldn't be so bad.  I tried a few utilities that pry the passwords out of the Chromium data, but the format never seems to be compatible with FF to use SyncPlaces 2nd hand.


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