Messages - zfshi [ switch to compact view ]

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Thanks, that's exactly what I'm looking for

I used to have one handy tool, that displays as a button with arrow that is near the caption buttons, you click on it will move the open window to secondary monitor, click on it again will move the window back to the primary monitor. Anybody remember the name and download location?


General Software Discussion / what kind of keyboard you use?
« on: March 28, 2006, 11:11 AM »
maybe this is off topic, if it is, please remove it

I wonder anybody here is using IBM clicky keyboard, like model 1391401.

Find and Run Robot
Context Menu Organizer
Folder Cruiser Pro (free ware now)
Google Desktop Search Engine

General Software Discussion / Re: Google's New Toy
« on: March 17, 2006, 11:41 AM »
Yesterday they bought SketchUp. Difficult to know whether that is a good thing or not... I really hope they don't mess up what is a superb product.
I have used SketchUp, it's a great little program

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