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More Abuses of Technology - Government Surveillance - Computer Confiscation

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I think that Deozaan has already answered your second question. On the other hand comparing  confiscation of personal-business financial-project data to confiscation of a bottle of liquor is utter craziness I would say.
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Property is property my friend, to me people going all bugshit over rules and regulations that for the most part have been around since nations formed borders is a little silly.
I hope that one day you wont find yourself in an embarrassing situation in another country.

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I've already done my traveling around the world and am quite content to stay where I am now. Btw, I never did have any problems.

Does your hypothetical sovereign nation have the authority to punish an unmarried woman for taking a taxi ride with a man? May that nation protect itself by limiting its citizens' access to information that might be subversive to the government?

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Apparently they do.
On the one hand other nations scream bloody murder if we interfere with someone elses internal cultures and conflicts.
On the other hand other nations *cough* the UN *cough* scream bloody murder if "we don't do something to stop these terrible human rights abuses".
Can't have it both ways folks, nations who do these things do it with the obvious consent of their citizens, if they didn't those people would speak out against it wouldn't they?
I mean after all, all of you would....wouldn't you?
Cause you seem to do fine ganging up on America, but then again if we have such horrible human rights violations everyone would be afraid to, wouldn't they?

The interesting thing here is that a lot of the things Cpilot seems to take issue with, I also take issue with.

For example, the contradiction of the world complaining about the USA being the "world police", but then turning around and complaining when we don't do anything to solve other countries' problems.

But the thing that worries me is that it seems to me that the terrorism of 2001 has lead the US to start making laws that may be, technically, terrorist in nature.

My first comment in this thread was a perfect example of what I mean. The fact that any US border agent could detain me or confiscate my personal belongings for no predetermined amount of time and no reason other than they felt like it makes me want to encrypt all my data. Yet the fear of that action arousing suspicions and automatically assigning me with a "guilty" keeps me from being sure if I should encrypt my electronic data.

In that regard, the terrorists have been very successful, because we've been full of nothing but fear since the September 11 attack. Freedoms and liberties have been restricted. Laws are being passed that contradict the constitution this country was built on. I love my country more than I can describe, and it makes me extremely sad (and scared!) to see where it's heading with these laws that disregard the constitution and ignore our "inalienable rights" as human beings.

So Usa is spreading a system that she does not practice around the world

For the umpteenth time, the United States is not a democracy, it's a representative republic. Hence the reason we have congress critters, senators and the electoral college.

-Cpilot (May 18, 2008, 09:08 PM)
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In that regard, the terrorists have been very successful, because we've been full of nothing but fear since the September 11 attack. Freedoms and liberties have been restricted. Laws are being passed that contradict the constitution this country was built on. I love my country more than I can describe, and it makes me extremely sad (and scared!) to see where it's heading with these laws that disregard the constitution and ignore our "inalienable rights" as human beings.
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No offense Deozaan but I've read stuff like this all over the net and yet no one has ever been able to tell me exactly what laws are doing all this damage.
Lots of hysteria but not one person has been able to give me any specific instance where their rights have been violated, and what I mean by that is what rights have you had specifically, that have been violated?


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