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What's your preferred File Manager

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Sure, urlwolf... actually, it's difficult. It started in Windows 3.11 with FMStepUp (File Manager upgrade - added context menus and all sorts of useful stuff). Under Windows 98 I started experimenting with all sorts of File Managers - an early version of AB Commander was one of them (and the only one I can remember the name of). When I switched to Win2k I bought DOpus 6 and I've never really looked back. Being an idiot with money, I did buy DiskJockey 2000 because of its Stellent Viewers (the lunacy was in not realizing that there are much better File Managers out there that come with the same viewers for the same price, not realizing that I could buy QuickView Plus to get the viewers and finally doing this about 12 months before Yahoo! released Yahoo Desktop Search with the same viewers for FREE!). You know what they say about fools and their money... I like to think that I've learned my lesson, but am pretty sure that I have not...  :-[ as from there there followed giveawayoftheday acquisitions of Frigage 3 and AccelMan 3.6 (so no money lost), the purchase of XYplorer (courtesy of a DC discount), the purchase of ZTreeWin (during the summer sale), PowerDesk 6 for $9.99, and finally Total Commander.

PS Note how many DC members ARE happy Windows Explorer users - only one less than DOpus users! Also - my progressoin goes like this (to follow your format):

FileManager ->FMStepUp->Windows Explorer->DOpus.

In practical terms this is how things stand now (might change as I immerse myself in TC and XYplorer). Note that I still have FMStepUp loaded running on top of a WnNT 4 copy of winfile.exe!

FileManagers are a hard habit to break - once you get used to the quirks and features in whatever you use, its hard to switch. I tried to like DOpus since it obviously has great features, but its sufficiently different from xplorer2 that I always end up going back.

Dopus has tremendous capabilities if you have the time to dedicate your life to figure out all the inane nuances required to configure it.   :down:

The DC forum turned me onto QTTabar and I'll never go back to Dopus. :Thmbsup:  It modifies Windows Explorer, which I have avoided for over 10 years, but it provides all the neccessary tools for fast and easy file management that should have been there all along without being too complicated.  It enables easily configured tabs and groups.  It's not bloated so it loads quickly.  It's stable.  It has just enough bells and whistles to do what I need to do.  It's FREE and updated pretty regularly.

Goodbye Dopus.

p.s. This is my chronological order of progression of file managers over time in order from oldest (top) to most recent (bottom):
- Windows Explorer
- PowerDesk
- ExplorerPlus (I still use this from time to time for old time sake.  It has one of the best fastest search functions which in combination with Locate32, DtSearch and X1 provide every option of desktop search required by mankind)
- Dopus
- QTTabar (modified Windows Explorer)

I've voted Total Commander as I've used it everyday for the last few years... BUT... the current offer of a lifetime license on XYplorer was too good to resist. I've been watching the rapid development of XYplorer over the last 6 months and the regular releases with new features is superb, I've bought a license so I'm going to force myself to use it in preference of Total Commander and see how I get on :)

I choose XYplorer. Reason: Small, fast, portable, quick development, regular updates and finally great user support.  :Thmbsup: all the way.


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