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Evernote Icon - what the heck is it? Anyone actually like version 3 ?

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Paul Keith:
Exactly  :P

Btw not to rub it in (but really I am!)

Notetaking Software Round-up#1


Btw, for those of you who are active and are willing to be patient with monitoring an EverNote clone. One application you might want to set your eyes on is CintaNotes

It's just a less stable Tobu meets OneNote's clipper right now not much different from a desktop client version of my suggestion here but it's already gaining a niche on it's forums.

To take from what someone else wrote in one of the topics:

Two Things That Make Me Go Wow
There are two features in your software that make me go WOW and they are reasons I really like two other pieces of software that have one each of your two features.

It is also the main reasons I will continue to use your software and promote it to everyone I know.

The first is something that also appears in Microsoft OneNote: Automatic saving of all data when it is entered. This mimics traditional paper and pen concepts. I write something and it is there on the paper. This whole concept of then having to explicitly save files and pick a location etc. It's just not natural nor is it obvious when you have never used a computer. I think this concept needs to disappear in lots of software now that we have the hardware and software to make this seamless and transparent to the user. The less I have to click, read and type in the better.

The second comes from Firefox: Find as you type without having to click or press any shortcut keys. This is incredibly powerful and the instant filtering and highlighting of exactly what I am typing seems magical and really gets people going WOW. No shortcut keys to remember or buttons to click. I am thinking of a word and I just start typing it and it magical starts appearing highlighted on the screen.

These are the two major features in your software that make it very intuitive and easy to use for me.

Thanks. for some great software and I will closely watch how this product is refined and kept focused on its primary goal of taking and storing Notes.

If I think of any other features I will let you know.

I do like the suggestion someone made about making the first line in the body of the Note the heading. Every part of the interface needs to be assessed for NOT what I can add to make it better but what can I remove to make it better. Also having the URL/Link field separate seems overkill. Just put it in the body of the Note as well. If you implement clickable links then you can always do searching on URL's without having to store it in a separate field.


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