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Finished Programs / Re: Folder-RSS: Monitor folder changes via rss
« on: February 25, 2014, 01:32 AM »
I realize this topic has not been active for quite some time but since it's the "support topic" for folder-rss I thought here was the most appropriate place for my post.

David,  I hope you are still monitoring this thread.

Is there any way you could add "start minimized" to folder-rss and a "scan on start" option?  I'd like to have this run in the startup folder on my htpc to build a file of recently downloaded or recorded shows....mediaportal then reads that file and scrolls the filenames acrosss the bottom of the all works well now and I've used an app called "clickoff" which is a more modern version of PTFB (Push The Friggin Button) to have it click Scan whenever the program is first ran but the program refuses to start minimized.   I have chosen "minimized" as screen size but it ignores it.  At first glance it seems like a fairly minor change.

Thanks for your time.


Well I tried the program and I ran into a few issues....I took some screenshots to demonstrate......

In Screenshot 1 you'll see I filled in the info the process the files.  One deviation is I DID choose to recurse directories.
In Screenshot 2 you'll see the results of the simulation.
In Screenshot 3 you'll see the entry shown.  Problem 1 occured when I attempted to resize the columns to display the full information....the columns in question went blank and I couldn't get the data back...reloading the program didn't help as the following info will confirm.
In Screenshot 4 you'll see I closed out the program entirely and reloaded it.  I had previously done save.  When it reloaded the entry with regex was gone.
I re-entered all the information from Screenshot 1 and skipped the simulation...I changed the bottom entry to use Move instead of simulation.   I put a checkbox next to the entry I had added (and saved again) and I told it to showed that it was processing the bitten file and then showed me screenshot 5.   In screenshot 5 if you look closely at the title bar you will see it says File Punter ERROR...but no information is apparent of what the error is.....the program appears hung as you can't close it...minimize or maximize it...get any of the menu buttons to respond etc.......I eventually went into task manager and killed the process.....upon reloading the program I was once again shown a blank screen with the entry I added lost.  The file did in fact move from C: to X: under a Bitten Folder and a Season 01....I don't know if it had issues with the fact Bitten folder already existed at the destination and I note the old Bitten folder on C: is still there but a utility called "DirClean" would handle deleting empty folders.  At this point I'm stumped how to make this work if the entry is going to be lost...if it kept the entry I could trigger task manager to run it daily and use a program called ClickOff to press the button to initiate the move.

See if this screencast helps to explain things a bit:

Flash version:
MP4 version:

Wow! You definetly went way above and beyond...even expanding past what I asked for (I tried to keep it as simple as possible and figured I would try to tweak it later on).....I can follow your instructions and can even see how I could adapt them for my movies folder to do a similar job.   The only thing I might have issues with is if I use copy I still need to clean up the from dir at some point.

I can't thank you enough...and I think that tutorial will be of use to others that want to use file punter!   One question.....if I only wanted to get the files that are 24 hours old or more how would I go about that...obviously the program itself isn't going to do it unless there is a regex to check for date modified.  If I had shows in sub folders I could also recurse and they would also get organized...I wonder would it work if the from and to were the same directory just to organize the files?  This is more directed at the movie folder where each movie could be in it's own folder.  Sorry if I asked something obvious and thanks again for your patience and willingness to share knowledge.


Well using the sample filenames above I did some googling and found a sample regex of

"^((?<series_name>.+?)[. _-]+)?s(?<season_num>\d+)[. _-]*e(?<ep_num>\d+)(([. _-]*e|-)(?<extra_ep_num>(?!(1080|720)[pi])\d+))*[. _-]*((?<extra_info>.+?)((?<![. _-])-(?<release_group>[^-]+))?)?$"

I however have no idea how to convert that so that c:\fromdir\Showname.S01E01.whatever.mp4 ends up in c:\todir\Showname\
I see the box that is checkng for . _ or - before sxxexx but after that I feel like Vanna White when nobody gets a letter.  :tellme:

In the program page I see it referencing c:\tmp\??1 without understanding where it's getting the value for ??1 from.

I'm referring to this pic:

The program is remarkable and I'm sure will eventually do everything I wanted.  Unfortunately I feel like a dog trying to learn trigonometry when it comes to regex...will have to spend some time learning it online but will get there eventually.

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