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Would ResophNotes be suitable? Syncs with SimpleNote, plain text, supports Markdown for HTML formatting. Highlights hits as you type. Option to store .txt files

Site/Forum Features / Tapatalk
« on: September 22, 2011, 12:36 PM »
I've just started using the Communities app on WebOS for accessing web forums (which uses the same technology as Tapatalk on iOS/Android/WP7/Blackberry) and noticed that DC isn't on the list of forums that can be accessed.

I searched this forum and only found one mention of Tapatalk, which is surprising as it seems to be popular, certainly in the iOS and Android worlds.

The blurb for Communities says that supporting Tapatalk is "as easy as copying a folder, and free". So I wonder if I could request that Mouser look into the possibility of allowing Tapatalk access?

I've been using PE since the last deal. Before that I was using AHK.

PE is easier and faster, if it can do what you need to do. Last week I came across the first situation where PE couldn't deliver -- I was trying to create a shortcut to restore a program hidden in the system tray. PE can't do this, AHK can.

In the end, it's ease of use (PE) against flexibility (AHK). Overall, I'm still happy I bought PE.

As I mentioned earlier, I bought two PE licences and converted them to network licences -- this allows me to run the PE server on my Windows Home Server box, and my laptop and desktop can share the same PE file, which is a nice feature.

I think it's a bit of a stretch to suggest that InfoQube is an alternative to simple flat-file list management programs such as Listpro.

I have tried a few times to become familiar with IQ, and while I admire its power, I don't think even IQ's greatest fan would describe it as simple and intuitive in the same manner as ListPro.

I think ListPro is the best of the simple list programs, and like xtabber, I've only considered moving away from it because they show no interest in providing an Android version.

Haven't found anything yet. Checkmark now has a desktop version in beta, so maybe worth keeping an eye on.

Living Room / Re: BoingBoing Update on Bitcoin Alternatives
« on: July 30, 2011, 08:35 AM »
Before the world became a frighteningly complex place, money was simple. It's a commodity, like anything else. The conceit, the deal, if you like, is that we all accept that money can be exchanged for any other commodity.

So if the world only contained three bananas, three fish and three coins, and we all accepted these were of equal value, then you have a starting point. But if you make three more coins, then you need two coins to buy a fish. Because you can create infinite amounts of money, but other resources are limited. Then derivatives came along...

For a slightly more sensible, more complex, but excellent "Economics 101", which predicted and describes what's happened to the world economy in the last few years (and is very depressing if you buy the author's ideas in full) read this:

And there's an interesting piece on the guy who wrote that article in the New Yorker this month:

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