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General Software Discussion / Syncing Google / Outlook calendar
« on: August 08, 2011, 04:28 AM »
I'm looking for a tool that will sync my Outlook calendar with two Google calendars. Doesn't necessarily need to be free. I want the following feature though: the tool needs to be able to selectively sync Outlook events with two different Google calendars. I don't care about how it does this (category, keyword, some Outlook flag are all fine).

My situation is as follows: I use Outlook for work and Google for private events. I want to see all of my work and private events on my phone (using two different Google calendars). My wife can see my private calendar on her phone as well. Now I want her to see *some* of my work events too, so I want to selectively sync some of my work events to my private Google calendar instead of the work calendar.

I know and have been using Google's Sync Tool, which is good, but does not offer selective syncing. I've read bad things about OggSync, which would seem to offer the functionality described above but all reports claim that the tool does not work (and will actually f..k up your calendar).

Anyone know about or even using a tool that does this?

Living Room / $ vs €. there we have it again!
« on: June 07, 2011, 02:23 AM »
With great excitement I read the announcement of the new portable Playstation Vita.

With great disappointment I read what it will cost in Europe compared to the US.



249$ vs. 249€   (<= that currently equals to 363$).

That's more than 100$ difference!

DC Gamer Club / Cool place for your game console
« on: May 20, 2011, 02:40 AM »
Check this out, looks damn cool. Not sure I could "sell" that to my wife though :P

Living Room / Javascript PC Emulator
« on: May 17, 2011, 09:30 AM »
Kind of cool. Requires Firefox 4 or Chrome 11 to run.

Follow the tiny Technical notes link at the bottom for the details.

Even comes with a C compiler ;)

Developer's Corner / Podcasts of ACCU 2011 conference
« on: May 16, 2011, 10:48 AM »
There are some podcasts of ACCU 2011 conference talks online now. I have not attended the conference (I am a member of ACCU though). I've watched the Move Semantics, Perfect Forwarding, and Rvalue references talk by Scott Meyers. Video is more or less unusable (you can't read the slides), but the audio quality is really good. And Scott seems to be a funny guy :) . So I guess the talks will be hard to follow if you have no prior knowledge whatsoever about the respective subject.

Podcasts are here:

Info about ACCU is here:

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