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How do I stop selling myself v1agra?

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Not that there's anything wrong with that....

maybe you should switch to Gmail and use this:

Or better yet, just filter it by keywords contained in the subject or body that you never want to see in your inbox, but combine that filter for emails from yourself, not to be sent to spam, but to trash instead.

That way, you don't block yourself or report yourself as a spammer, but still don't have that crap in your inbox.

but man, those Japanese can get freaky!!
--- End quote ---


App, mail goggles? Very funny! :P

I wish I could narrow it down to a set of keywords but sadly the spammers seem to have more words in their vocabulary than I care to enter into the filters. Hmm... maybe I could use a keyword for positive identification and send everything else from "me" to trash. Don't know if the filters will permit that but it's worth considering. Also, I'll have to remember to include that keyword everytime or end up deleting my own messages. :mad:

Like in the email etiquette thread, Option b: "delete button" seems like the best choice.

It's probably all due to e-mail spoofing, the "From" address is easy to forge, and what address better than yours to pass the spam filtering. Spam filters that analyze the mail body in search for certain words will flag it as spam without problems, GMail's filter is a good example, which has blocked Viagra spam that apparently I send to myself (which is ridiculous, why would I have any need to remind myself to use something I don't need? :D)

I do use gmail, App, so thanks for the link.


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