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Today is Document Freedom Day! (March 31)

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OOo, the program, sucks. Office2007 is somewhat of a heavy pig, but even that is faster and more comfortable to work with than OOo. And while I was really skeptic of the ribbon interface, I'll grudgingly have to admit that it's something that's grown on me - it actually does make editing faster & easier. (All versions of office suck wrt. multi-file documents and externally linked images, though).

As for ODF, that sucks as well. A bit less than MS's OOXML, but it still sucks. Just as OOXML, it's basically a messy memory dump, it's not super compatible between versions, and it's not properly documented - one of the developers working on gnumeric has a bunch of nice details about this. Also, it's outright insane using zip+xml based documents for anything but document exchange... which you'll realize as soon as you're working on anything larger than a "dear mum" letter.

@f0dder: You mentioned OOXML in your sucky diatribe there.

There's an interesting and very recent reference to Micro$oft and its commercial behaviours in regards to OOXML here: Microsoft Fails the Standards Test

@f0dder: You mentioned OOXML in your sucky diatribe there.-IainB (April 01, 2010, 12:42 PM)
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Yup, and I mentioned that it's even suckier than ODF - didn't claim it was better :)

There's an interesting and very recent reference to Micro$oft and its commercial behaviours in regards to OOXML here: Microsoft Fails the Standards Test-IainB (April 01, 2010, 12:42 PM)
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Not much new there - and why did the article have to be that long? :)

Anyway, I still stand by my claim - that both formats suck. I'm not sure if any of the formats is more "open" than the other, especially considering ODF's apparent version incompatibilities, as well as not documenting all features used (hunt around Morten Welinders blog).

@f0dder: Yes, I noted that you regarded OOXML as being more sucky than ODF.    :)
In answer to your Q:
"Why did the article have to be that long?"
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- I have no idea.

On a related note, a detailed account of how Microsoft failed its own MS-OOXML standard this week:


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