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Help with finding accurate software.

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Got Milk?:
Hi guys, been a while since i posted here, but now when i find myself in somewhat of a distress i once again turn to the very source of knowledge and skill. :D

I do a lot of writing on different subjects, politics, computer related stuff, film, music, litterature and so on, and during my search for information on the Internet i sometimes stumbles upon pieces of information that i would love to save for future projects, like code snippets, pieces of text, URL:s and such. Usually i fire up Notepad and add the text or URL to a document and the saves it, but this is not really a convenient way. In the long run you tend to end up with a plethora of text documents with only a few words on each. So i need some kind of software that i can instantly fire up (with a press of a button maybe?) from lets say the system tray, and where i can add all those little pieces of information instead of creating a document for each entry. I then want to be able to save and at a later moment retrieve the information by searching keywords. I guess it sounds like a small and simple local database or sumthing. Does anyone know of such a software? Maybe one of the distinguished programmers here has come up with such a solution? 

Greetings from Sweden (where the winter very soon are upon us :( )

Firefox + ScrapBook + MinimizeToTray

It sounds like you're in need of some good note-taking software :)

Got Milk?:
Firefox + ScrapBook + MinimizeToTray
-Nighted (September 20, 2007, 11:44 AM)
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Jeez, you are the one that gived the words "quick answer" a totally new meaning! Thanx a million for that, im a hardcore Firefox user so this will eventually suit me just fine. I´ll check it immediately!

It sounds like you're in need of some good note-taking software :)
--- End quote ---

Indeed, nice thread, i´ll go through it right away!

ScrapBook (Firefox add-on) or EverNote.


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