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Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: better XP Alt+Tab Task Switch
« on: April 22, 2006, 10:35 AM »
Yes, I've tried TaskswitchXP and it wasn't quite what I was looking for.  I don't remember the exact reason because I tried several in a short period and I don't remember the specifics of each one.

It would be great to have something added to FARR v2. 

I'll look at Xdesk.  Thanks.

This is the first time I've ever posted to a forum and I need to figure out how to have quotes in my replies.  I'll need to spend some time learning this stuff.   :tellme:

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: better XP Alt+Tab Task Switch
« on: April 21, 2006, 10:54 AM »
I would like a program that works like FARR (my greatest find in a long time) except it would be for task switching. It would have a hot key that would open a window with all running tasks listed and a number beside each one.  Pressing the number would change to that window.  Using the AltTab is frustrating to me because I usually have lots of windows open at a time and I often go past the one I want and have to cycle through all over again.

Maybe such a program already exists and I haven't found it.  I've searched for such a program and found several that are almost, but not quite what I would like.  Lots of them show little icons, but have no numbers.  I found one that used Function keys to choose a window but you had to use a Function key to open it and that key was disabled in all other programs; not good.

Any help would be appreciated.

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