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It's about ... oldish films

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Carnival of Souls ... an absolute orgy of delight  :Thmbsup:!

I miss the old horror movies - the ones that required some degree of thought, not just reaction to shock value.  Some had shocks, of course, but not just for the sake of shock.  Ya had to thimk!

I love Singing in the Rain.  I have a publicity still autographed by Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor, Debbie Reynolds, and Jean Hagen hanging in my office.

Another favorite is Bad Day at Black Rock imdb

For sci-fi there were some true B&W oldie classics. I was very partial to The Thing from Another World (1951) based on John Campbell's story Who Goes There. And let's not forget King Kong and all those wonderful truly awful Japanese "radiation monster" gems such as Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, etc. etc. etc.
-40hz (September 05, 2012, 10:08 PM)
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YES, YES, YES!!  I remember spending saturday mornings at my grandma's house, me, my brother, and bowl after bowl of cocoa puffs for the cartoons, then my grandma would watch her game shows and fall asleep in her recliner, and then my brother and I would watch "Mystery Theatre" where they would replay all the old japanese monster movies.
 Aahhh... Memorieeessss...

I'm kinda partial to The Thing, with Matt Dillon aka James Arness as the monster.  The Kurt Russell release I saw left me cold - colder than the climate it depicted  :P.
-barney (September 05, 2012, 11:59 PM)
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Warning! The following is mostly off topic.  :P

Agree 100% With all due respect to Kurt, he did far better with his 'Snake Plissken' character in Escape from New York. Plus we got Adrienne Barbeau (Maggie) thrown in for some serious eye candy. Which is a fair characterization since she only said maybe 20 words in the entire movie despite "that gown" speaking volumes. (As my GF said when she saw it: "Well oh-kay then! 'Big Girl' dress huh?)

Oh look! It's Kurt Russell. I didn't even know he was in this picture!

For modern antarctic thrillers, the 2009 Whiteout with the lovely and talented Kate Beckinsale as Federal Marshall Carrie Stetko is about as good as it currently gets.

A fun flick even though it didn't even come close to meeting viewer expectations considering the budget and cast. Which just goes to show how great acting talent and a well written script still can't quite make up for a storyline that needed a lot more work.

But an even better modern cold climate flick (Northern Tundra this time) - in the whole enviro-disaster/horror/sci-fi/psychological thriller/did we leave anything out genre - might be the 2006 sleeper: The Last Winter. It's got Ron Perlman (ol' Hellboy himself) in a major role. Strange, slightly unpredictable, and semi-slow moving story - with an utterly bizarre ending.

Maybe it's not an oldie. But IMHO it's still a goodie! :Thmbsup:


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