Commandline Options

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you can specify some commandline options for Screenshot Captor:


-maximize  -- maximizes window

-minimize  -- minimized window

-show  -- shows window if minimized

-scan -- initiates a scan

-capture CAPTURETYPE  -- initiates a screen capture (CAPTURETYPE = workspace|screen|activewindow|region|object|scanner)

-dir "FULLPATH"  -- switches screenshot directory to this page

-file "FULLPATH" -- switches to containing directory and opens specified file

-printnext  -- says to print the next capture/scan

-format png|jpg|gif|tiff|bmp -- changes save file format for subsequent screenshots


you can also simply pass a directory or filename on commandline to open that file/path, which makes it possible to use screenshot captor as an "open with" program.


Usefile commandline options to use on an already-running copy of ScreenshotCaptor (the second instance won't run but it will pass the command to the first instance):


 -ccpath  (copy current/last screenshot filepath to clipboard)

 -ccbitmap (copy current/last screenshot image bitmap to clipboard)

 -ccfile (copy current/last screenshot file to clipboard)