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Addons for the Find and Run Robot Program

This page collects addons for the Find and Run Robot program that have been posted on our forum over the years. Click a link to go to the forum thread discussing the addon and download.

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FARR alias: Quick Outlook Task

I use Outlook tasks quite a lot, for serious tasks, to-do lists, but also quick reminders. Today I stumbled across "QuickOutlookTask", a small command-line utility that allows you to quickly add an Outlook task. You simply type something like "do new outlook task" (command line, or Windows Run) and this creates a new Outlook task with subject "new outlook task". Outlook needn't even be running. See http://www.megalab.i...articoli.php?id=1288.

Well, a couple of days ago I discovered FARR and quickly fell in love with it (kudos, mouser :Thmbsup:) and I wanted to have this through FARR. So I wrapped this functionality in a FARR alias, and this is my attempt to pass it on to you.

Click here to read more and download..

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