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Screenshot Captor: The most full-featured screenshot app I've seen
Screenshot Captor is an advanced, full-featured screenshot application boasting an impressive feature set that rivals the shareware favorite, SnagIt. In all, Screenshot Captor may be the most full-featured screenshot app I've seen, freeware or otherwise. On the other hand, it does have a slightly steeper learning curve, so if there's a downside, that may be it.
A. Pash at Lifehacker Blog image

Web Link Captor takes a list of plaintext items, and builds an output document containing a list of url-linked results based on web searches for the items. It's a way to quickly build a clickable list of items from just their names, suitable for posting on your blog or a forum, etc.


  • Friendly GUI lets you build flexible sets of processing steps to parse plaintext input lists and perform search and output functions.
  • You can save and load projects and script configurations for easy re-use.
  • Uses a set of standalone utility scripts that can be run without the windows front end GUI, and can be easily modified and expanded.
  • The included backend scripts are in Python (but other languages can be used).
  • Uses caching to avoid repeating web searches unnecessarily.
  • Comes with output formatters for HTML, BBCode, Markdown/Wikipedia.
  • Comes with searching engines for google, and bing/opensearch (which can handle amazon, wikipedia, and many others).
  • Flexible scoring system lets you interactively or programmatically tweak your results to get the best list of links.

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