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"Save as..." bug - or is it?

(1/3) > >>

a) capture something
b) edit it
c) Save as... new file name

Result: the file will be saved but the OLD image would be reloaded! IMHO it should handle it like virtually all other programs handle it: save as new file and show just that.

What do you think? :)

P.S.: I love forums where you can set "Notify me of replies" to be enabled as default - not possible here though, right? :(

Carol Haynes:
Try clicking 'notify' above or below this thread

Try clicking 'notify' above or below this thread
-CarolHaynes (September 26, 2005, 05:21 AM)
--- End quote ---
Yes, I know, but other forums allow to set "always notify me of replies" ONCE in the personal options, from now on one can't forget to enable it... and yes, I *always* want a reply, I'm in too many forums to check all manually :)

Carol Haynes:
Go to PROFILE at the top, you'll find the option in "Notifications and Email"

Actually I would also like to see forums go further allowing receipt of all posts by email and replying by email too - I much prefer email lists than web forums simply because emailing is so much quicker.

Trouble is none of the off-the-shelf forums that I have found (other than those hotsed for you) offer this facility.

I really can't understand it myself as it would be more flexible to have both formats integrated.

Actually what would be really nice is if a forum could simulatenously run itself as a USENET group so you could use newsreader software to access the boards.

Hmm... either I'm extremely blind today (can't find it there!) or it is because you are a Charter Member.

I really just miss that option, I'm fine with using WWW for forums - that way it's easy to read older posts too without another app (newsreader).


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