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New books wanted!

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Oído cocina mouser !!!
"I'd love to include a collection of RSI excercises or stuff like that (has to be plain text) - so if someone has a collection of that, i'd be especially interested.

Also would be nice to have some non-english files!"

Then without images ?

Note : The english jokes txt is well done ?
I can do spanish jokes also !!!!

Lawyer Jokes in spanish . I have tried to correct the main incorrections found in the language manually.

Best Regards

Wut.Are.You.Doing? :o
-Ath (August 24, 2017, 01:23 AM)
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I am trying a book for puw about rsi

-Contro (August 24, 2017, 04:53 AM)
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I would have expected a forum veteran like you to attach that blurb as a file, not drop it in the content of the post :(
-Ath (August 24, 2017, 08:35 AM)
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Ath that is a provisional list . I will delete when the final txt is ready.
Sorry. Best Regards

Adivinanzas en español. Se respetan los localismos hispano americanos y la forma de hablar típica.
Popular puzzler in spanish. I have tried to respect the localisms like from Argentina or other countries differents Spain.

Best Regards

LoveQuotes 31.08.2017


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