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New Nick for Darwin

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I think Darwin should consider changing his nick to something like "Revenger". He could use Justice, but that's already taken. What would others suggest?


Hmmm, maybe "Avenger" or "Crusader" would be better.

I think that "Caped Crusader" has a nice ring to it...

Thanks, Ken - that made me laugh  :-*

I think that "Caped Crusader" has a nice ring to it...

Thanks, Ken - that made me laugh  :-*
-Darwin (September 03, 2007, 06:22 PM)
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Aaugh! I just edited my last post to add Crusader to it! We'll see if anything can top it. I would just respectfully remind you that a nick has to be one word (and of course has a 9 char limit on Efnet).

Lovingly, Ken

Aaugh! I just edited my last post to add Crusader to it! We'll see if anything can top it. I would just respectfully remind you that a nick has to be one word (and of course has a 9 char limit on Efnet).
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Dang! That's no fun... I'll have to stick with "Crusader" then, and forget my dreams of internet notoriety as "The Corpulent Curmudgeon" (as both Curmudgeon and FatBastard are ten letters!).


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