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GemX - missing in action

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As carol said, this leaves to question one thing. WHY DIDNT THEY RESPOND TO THEIR TOUTED DSM SERVICE. I sent a total of 12 messages over the course of that 2 months, and only recently did I receive replies that they wont honor my refund. Its ok, I am going to trialpay and getting them removed as a customer. I am also pursuing SwREG for the same thing. I am actually dealing with one of the managers at trialpay and am pretty close to this. I will keep you all informed. In my opinion, these CROOKS, yes that is what they are as they take the customers money and force them to waste ungodly amounts of time trying to contact them, dont deserve to be allowed to sell software. Anyways, I have moved on from Do-O and have purchased a full-fledged PDA which outperforms and outshines Do-O in every conceivable manner.

Anyways, I have moved on from Do-O and have purchased a full-fledged PDA which outperforms and outshines Do-O in every conceivable manner.
-Josh (October 16, 2007, 09:03 AM)
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 :) ?

To take the forum down because they can't spare 5-10 minutes a day answering queries (everyone who has used the forum knows there weren't more than 3-4 posts per day - MAX).
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I have to agree here.  They weren't the most active forums in the world.  3-4 posts a day actually sounds pretty accurate to me from what I remember.  I can't imagine those posts taking up too much time away from development of the software, it just doesn't sound right.  it's like deciding not to use email at work because you're getting 5 emails a day and it's taking too much time.  It's a silly argument.

Agreed wholeheartedly. Pardon the expression but this crow doesn't caw. I really doubt that the reason for closing the forum was due to the amount of activity. Alot of their replies were "Thanks for the report. Next Action/Someday" and didnt involve much typing. The company still releases far too many modules and doesnt seem to realize that they should have spent more time fixing existing modules as opposed to adding more.

Let them know how you feel. Rate their newest release on


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